Jake King

Just like iOS wouldn’t be where it is today without Android. They both exist and continually get better because and thanks to each other. Let’s be thankful we’re lucky enough to have (at least) two excellent mobile operating systems instead of a monopoly.

No need for a co-op, this is the correct answer:

No need for a co-op, this is the correct answer:

The SDF-1 !

This game needs to remove that Ferrari and replace it with the AW11

Neither of these are actually what I want out of the "camera roll". I want the camera roll to only be for images and videos that were created by my camera. No screenshots, no saved images...just stuff that resulted from me pressing that shutter button.

Wow, not only does Chicago decide which shitty politicians get to ruin (not run) our state, apparently they get to decide which food represents the state too. Down here in the southern half, not many care about deep-dish pizza. Thin crust (St. Louis style) is much more prevalent.

Best article on Gizmodo is shit... go figure.

what a deal on those sony cameras! $1 off!!!!!

I find it real hard to show respect for someone who can somehow convince themselves that the fairytales of the bible are true. Which you have to do if you want to call yourself a true christian, you can't just pick and choose whatever you feel like. It IS god's word after all, right?

This elitists atheists movement is really becoming tiresome. Don't think for a second that it's not completely hypocritical at its core either. You pretend to be all knowing of the universe and all of its intricacies, but modern science is still proving and disproving theories on a seemingly monthly basis. Please

Oh Yee of little integrity.

Anyone who buys this is a cheater.

Sabin's Fists, Final Fantasy 6

The gentleman attempted to use a coupon that's almost half as old as I am.

Only one of two outcomes could have proceeded from said attempt—and neither should have been terribly surprising (or suspenseful).

I swear, it's like no one thinks when they read.

Thank you for making that reference. That was beautiful.

If it had a JRPG-style item description, would it be 'Touch fuzzy, get dizzy'?

who cares what other people think?

For studying?