Jake King

Here's the thing. The judge's statement is that "if the officer says my lights aren't legal then they're not legal." This is rather presumptuous, since Law Enforcement Officers do not have the ability or right to decide law, only enforce it. I have come across many officers who do not know the law as well as they

It is (unless you're counting East St Louis, which is over the mississippi river in Illinois), but Illinois is a decent sized state, and the southern areas are somewhat closer in mentality to St Louis than Chicago.

If you're ever in the STL area, and have time, check out a pizzeria called 'That's a nice-a pizza'. They

Okay, first off, for Missouri, it's called '-Toasted- Ravioli' not 'Fried Ravioli'. Also, traditionally, it's filled with meat, not cheese, and served with Marinara. The linked article is apparently put together by idiots.

Second off, that's not a food, it's an appetizer. There are so many things that we're famous

MP is not the answer. I can use a camera with a 8MP sensor, and make far more stunning, and quality photos than a camera with 24MP. The MP just tells you the density of the pixels on the sensor, wheras the quality of the sensor is where the real magic is at. A higher quality sensor will ALWAYS out perform a lower

I totally did not expect a Dr SBAITSO reference, well, pretty much anywhere.

Let's also not forget Giorgio Morodor's work on the "Electric Dreams' soundtrack as well. His work on 'The Duel' specifically was somewhat pivotal, because both instruments on that track were both Synthesized. He wanted to showcase just how good modern synth instruments had gotten, so both the 'CG' music, and the

These guys make an actual modular bag.

You can custom design what pieces you want to use, and the mounting system is standard MOLLE, like the US military uses, so if you find a pouch or something that works well for you, you can buy stuff off the shelf 3rd party.

The guys who started

I can deal with Pineapple on pizza. It's not my thing, but it something I can deal with.

But stop putting that shit in Chicken salad. Chicken Salad does not need: Apples, Cranberries, grapes, walnuts, or any other such nonsense. you don't have it in Tuna Salad, or Egg Salad, or Ham Salad, but people keep putting it

It doesn't hurt that canon has tuned their processors for video processing, which allows them to have a littler better FPS than nikons current cameras. Nikon is also erring on the side of caution to not overload/overheat the EXCEED processors.

The Canon 70D and the Nikons D800/D810 are meant for totally different areas of work. You want faster speed, you can get a D610 (6fps) with a 24MP sensor, or a D4S (11FPS) with a 16MP sensor. You could also dumb down to a crop sensor with a D7100 with 6FPS but 24MP. You'll get less density in your photos, and will

I've been pretty much saying the same thing for years. Sometimes I like the added contrast, but usually I'll add it in lightroom, so I don't end up with that awful 'halo' effect that come with extreme HDR photos. I love the use of contrast in photography, but I'd rather see it done with skill, rather than with a

Samsung Epic 4G on Sprint.
Worst phone I ever had. Corporate email sucked the battery dry in -hours- even with a brand new extended 3850 mAh battery. Slow, bulky, unreliable, unstable. Replaced it twice with new ones, every one sucked.

Also: Samsung SIII also on Sprint. battery life was still poor, would shut off

The reasoning is, that the people programming these machines do not have the experience to teach the machines how to be better at what they are doing than an average worker. The robots don't learn, they can only do things based off of how someone else tells them to do something. if their process and workflow is

There is one thing I loathe about FFIII/VI. And that's that it often gets overlooked for FFVII. FFVII was a great game, it really was. It had many of the hallmarks that made a good Final Fantasy game, however, FFVI is the game that made the benchmark. It's an amazing, gripping, tense game that actually makes you

This comment. Right here. Totally stealing that... OMFG!!!

They mentioned that it was for the production of Sapphire glass, but not that that's what is in the home button.

Somehow, several words got left out of the above conversation.

Kinja messing up, or just my brain?

The original photo for the article is because the new factory will be making the 'Sapphire glass' used in the fingerprint reader. That's why it's the home button from the new iphone 5s, not the old Home buttons on everything else.

Also, knowing several gay friends, they would immediately complain that the apple logo

Waffle House is awesome! And of terrifying. I have a friend who was in the Marines, and got Deployed in New Orleans, Louisiana After Hurricane Katrina hit. He said out of all the terrible devastation in the city, the scariest thing was the fact that was an immaculate Waffle house online and running within 48 hours

The new version isn't a new version. The M570 is a Thumb controlled trackball, the Older Trackman Marble FX is a finger controlled trackball. The style of usage is WAY different. I can't stand the thumb controlled trackballs. (Controllability is lesser with one thumb than it is with two fingers). Not saying you