Jake King

I would have assumed that #12 was actually just a picture taken with something like Kodak Ektochrome, or some other infrared color film.

It's partially dependent on what version of office it is. If we had a Volume License version, it wouldn't require this, but we've had to be on the phone with Microsoft about New office 2013 installations for multiple hours at a time, well more than once. During installation, it asks you to sign in with a email

Yeah, it was meant to be a response to "Robert Cain'. Kinja really sucks these days.

As someone who regularly uses Windows 7, Windows 8, and Server 2012, let me just say this:
Windows 8/2012 is a Hot Mess. Period. The UI, on a desktop, is quirky, and cumbersome. 8.1 and 2012 R2 helped with this, but it's still a cumbersome beast of an OS. HP is making this choice, because people DO NOT LIKE THE UI.

At the start of an engagement, a navy fleet generally shows up first, literally paves the way using tomahawks, and other surface to surface ordinance, and -then- offloads troops, which then take, or make, landing strips for Army to drop in their troops.

The Navy may seem useless when you look at it from a 'when was

Windows 8 and 8.1 is NOT better from a UI standpoint for anyone who uses a desktop. If it were something with touchscreen, it might work out best, but currently, for corporate users, it is an unmanageable mess. Combine this with the disaster that is Office 2013's activation process. (You 'register' it with a email

For all the people bummed about the G19s keyboard already being sold out: Don't worry. I've got the original G19, which uses the same software, and it's actually not that great. The software crashes if there is multitouch anything installed, it crashes regularly, and really wasn't worth the $200 price tag.

I think what he meant, since everyone is still picking on how stevia isn't an artificial sweetener, the he dislikes all current alternative sweetners, outside sugar. (basically dislikes non sucrose/fructose sweetners).

Personally, I agree with him. it just doesn't taste 'right'. It's flavor is off for me. I've had

Except this list doesn't take into account Win 3.11, Windows 98SE, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Vista SP1, etc.

Windows NT 3.51 was 'good'... ish. NT 4.0 was a paragon of stability when people were used to Win9x DLL Hell, and added most of the win95 UI. Win 2000 was an amazing OS, which is what WinXP was based off of

Wow, What sensationalist tripe. Yes, the mirrorless camera isn't going away, but the DSLR isn't going to die any time soon. a) even with the new EVFs, they still lag behind in viewability, clarity, and speed of the dSLR. b) the mirrorless camera will not replace a dSLR in the professional space with any prevalence

who in the world prefer asparagus??? weird!

I do hope this is sarcasm. Because they thought of it not being sarcasm frightens me greatly.

I know many people who prefer the edges over the centers. More people in fact than like the centers. Not saying there aren't people who prefer the centers, but still, there are a LOT of people who prefer the edges. Myself included.

everything old truly is new again. :P

That's certainly better, and not something I knew, but it's still a complete revamp that they didn't even advertise.

As much as I agree with the fact that it 'could' be, and even likely 'would' be, given time. That time isn't now, and this interface is not conducive to working in a currently deployed datacenter. Most companies don't work like Microsoft, where all of the datacenters are 'farms', and when there is infrastructure

Except for the fact that on Windows 8, the hotspots as a replacement for things like the start button is horrid. Especially when you have dual screens, or RDP. having to hover my mouse in a 4 pixel 'hotspot' on a 2560x1440 display becomes a chore. Yes, you can use the 'Windows key' on your keyboard, except on RDP,

It's also far easier to cheat in paintball than most people realize. (I've known teams to have meetings specifically on how to get away with cheating.)

I used to think Graffiti was an awful, terrible blight, but now I've actually come to see it differently. It's a reminder that not all things are perfect, that sometimes, life is going to rear it's own, ugly head however it deems it wants to. It reminds me that people are real, and unpredictable, and that just

It truly was a better time.