Jake King

Nice! I hear they are pretty bad ass!

I'd rock a Dodge Shelby Dakota. Just sayin. Yes, I'm being assinine.

The more you know... *Que shooting star*

no, it shuts off the phone. Continuing to hold the power/lock button after it shuts off turns it back on. If you hold both buttons till it shuts off, and keep holding them both, it will boot back up too.

Unless they could built this into the firmware, and not the OS, I am completely against it. I have had my phone lock up the OS multiple times, and rebooting is the only way to bring it back. If it requires a fingerprint scan through the OS just to reboot, then you're screwed till the battery runs out.

I am constantly amused by the people who babble about how the car needs 'more power'. High end rally race cars don't peak over 350HP. You don't need -power- to go fast, you just need the ability to drive. Yes, power can help, but ultimately, relying on that is just a band-aid. Want to learn to drive fast? do in a

There was also 'Evil Genius' which was where you basically play as a bond villain, and build your secret lair in a volcano/island. Also very fun, though was obviously stolen almost directly from Dungeon Keeper.

I bought a Dell UltraSharp U2711 27" monitor.

Monolith Productions was the Publisher, which is who I was talking about. I would say that there would still be potential for it to come back, if they owned the rights still, however, Monolith Productions nee Touchdown Entertainment is also pretty much gone as well, so sadly there will likely never be a follow up

I can NOT recommend this game enough. It's so sad that the third installment never got made, as there was talk that you would then be infiltrating the upper world where the heroes came from. Sadly, EA bought Bullfrog studios, and shut the whole thing down. This game was so much fun that after my (not video game

Somewhere, I still have my original copy of this game. Brought to you by the same company that brought ShogoM.A.D.

Glad to see someone else saying the same things I have been. I used to like HDR, but it's such a fad, and often times makes me think people are using it to hide behind poor skills.

Whereas I disagree about Ketchup tasting awful, that -is- a subjective opinion. He's free to dislike it as he wishes. And I -do- agree that it is a serious Faux Pas to dump ketchup all over a community plate of appetizers/sides. That's just a serious no-no. Seriously people, have some courtesy.

FASA licensed the designs for these robots BEFORE Harmony Gold did for the US market. The problem is, that FASA went to Bandai (The owner of the rights in japan) and got the rights from them, but didn't properly license them IN THE U.S. Which allowed Harmony Gold to license them in the US from Bandai of America, and

Not only had he not been told, but they were still in testing of compatibility. He wasn't ready to be combat effective. They were probably testing Gipsy's systems as much as the drift compatibility when everything went haywire. Most likely there would have been a briefing and testing after the first drift.


The Tercel 4WD is really a corolla underneath, they just marketed it as a Tercel for some reason. cars that have been around awhile tend to develop their personality or soul. My 2003 Pontiac Vibe GT (really a Toyota Matrix XRS) has plenty of soul, though it developed more of it as time went on. That car is very

Sir, you make me want to applaud you! It's glad to see, not only someone else who loved that car from their foray into driving, but also someone who has restored theirs! And regardless of how some 'Euro-snob' might say that the car has no 'soul', I disagree. My Tercel 4WD had more personality than my friends Golf

My first car ever was a 'Gold' '83 Toyota Tercel Wagon 4WD. I hated it. Loathed it. I was an american kid, and my mother had bought me a japanese econo -Station wagon-. I tried to kill this car every way I could.... and failed. (everything but intentionally damaging it, but I drove the nuts off this thing).

I disagree. This isn't useless. Yes, you -should- insure your equipment before anything else, but this isn't meant as a preventative, so much as a way to track what you have, and for a way to potentially find them (and find out if it's stolen). It's not meant to replace photography insurance at all, just another

This is variable valve timing, so that the engine can change character for more efficiency across a wider range of RPM. This is how it kicks in, yo. If you don't get it, please don't buy a Honda.