Jake King

This should be perfectly legalized. This is a exploit of a bug in the firmware. If the casino had a bad dealer, they wouldn't illegalize the dealer, they would fire them, or retrain them.

Making this an illegal thing puts the burden on the player, not on the casino. If allowed to 'stay' legal, then the onus is on

Whoa! Abney Park is still around? I haven't heard them since ~'99-'00. Last time I heard them, they were more 'industrial' than steam punk. (like 'The Information Society's' 'Don't Be Afraid' Album.)

The 'hot corner' is not a better application than the start button. That hot corner is rubbish for trying to bring up the charms bar when you have multiple monitors (With the secondary to the left), or with RDP, or virtual consoles. The area for the hot corner is at most 4 pixels big. The Start button is quite a

I'm right with you there brother. I wanted Sky/Jetfire soooo bad when I was a kid. I eventually found a neighbor who was willing to sell me his for $6. My mother told me I could only buy it if I got it for $3 (I had my own money, and savings at this point, so I wasn't asking for money from my parents). I paid the

If this lens is setup properly for a Nikon, then it will basically downgrade the sensor to (in the case of a D600) 12MP, instead of the normal 24. This is because the APS-C sensor has about half the sensor area of a full frame, so in order for the focal point for this lens to be received correctly on a full frame

I would disagree. It loses because it's bigger. It's a lot easier to work in details at that economy of scale. The amount of detail in the Veritech is amazing for something that is so small. (Don't get me wrong, the RX-78 is amazing, and super detailed, but he only had to make it fully articulated. Whereas the

you'd think that, but Chocolate, and Bananas both have a long history of crime lords, and human abuse in their harvesting. Seriously, check it out.

The big difference here, is that Tomb Raider 1 and 2 were great games, but would not really survive in today's market. That genre became to mired in it's own tropes. I loved Tomb Raider 1 and 2, and I still enjoy playing them, but these days, people do sometimes want more than the 'same old thing'. The franchise

Ironically, I had zero problems or crashes with Tomb Raider on PC, until they delivered a patch via steam 2-3 nights ago, and now it's crashed 3 times in the same day.

I have had no problems with The keyboard and mouse, and find they work wonderfully vs a gamepad. (And a mouse/trackball work much better for aiming than an analog stick). The largest problem here is that there is a near infinite number of keys that you can re-map to change what does what, so they can't just set it

So I've been contemplating making a 'jalapeno deep fried turkey'. Any suggestions (Theoretical or otherwise) to best infuse that flavor, and any other (savory, non-fruit) flavors, like garlic without making people run out the door?

So you're saying that none of the profits from American made Toyota vehicles don't go back into the plants themselves? Or to pay the workers? or the US based engineers who design the cars (Like Toyota's CALTY design studio in Cali), or their US based high level management group, or to the parts manufacturer's plants

one word: Homefront.

'Letter' is a common standard size in many countries, which is 8.5"x 11". As opposed to A4, (Which is a newer standard that came about to fit in metric sizings more easily, and allow re-scaling in the form of A1, A2, A3, etc, each one being half the size of it's predecessor. Letter is the single most common size

Um, They're cookies. If you're eating them to try and be healthy, you're doing something wrong. If they weren't a dessert, I might be inclined to agree, but your statement is like complaining that Fried Chicken is deep friend in oil. It's the customer who is expected to show some restraint in what, and how much

Most contractors use DeWalt, and laugh at Black & Decker, and truthfully, most of Black & Deckers cheaper lined consumer grade stuff can be pretty crappy, but their higher end stuff is on par with DeWalt.... And that's because DeWalt is B&D's commercial/contractor line. DeWalt is wholly owned by B&D, to the point

I read it. So nyah!