
When you fail forward, the Netflix is here to catch you.
- Adam Sandler

I don’t remember anything abou Brickleberry, except I went from complete indifference to outright hatred within about two minutes of exposure, so that’s a big strike one against this show.

As someone who accidentally watched a few minutes of Brickleberry once while waiting for The Daily Show to come on, my only question is: why?

Aw come on — Brickleberry wasn’t good enough for its creators to be allowed another show.

Tangentially related, but how do you get an Ipad to stop telling you every time you open an app that the WiFi is off? I know it’s off, I turned it off!

“I mean, it’s just a Saab,” a local man told the assembled press before being clubbed by an enraged mob.

So this was Rail Force One.

I forgot my grating attachment, but I like to start with an even shred size so it disperses uniformly.

*2 year old shits his pant* “uhg these fucking MILLENNIALS!”

Death, taxes, and the Caps losing tragically (probably to the Pens) in the playoffs.

You’re correct.

How the hell you gonna come for someone else’s looks and you look like this???

Pickled eggs have some flexibility. Good on salads, good in sandwiches and damn good all by themselves.


I think he says “I’d hate to have done it to your second favorite dress” or something

Easy there, killer. This is a long-running joke, and you fell hard for it.

I’m big on turbocharged cars so I tattooed a turbo on my arm. Pretty sweet right?

I drank it all. But, the good news is, I’m going to the UK soon and I’m going to get some seaweed gin, which sounds weird but is delightfully briny.

I can’t wrap my head around nutritional yeast, but I’ll say this:

Last year I made a cider vinegar “glaze” because I had a bottle of Bragg’s and I was sans spouse for a week. I put it on everything, from fancy lad style meals all the way down to macaroni and cheese (do not @ me). It is a door I wish I had never