Jake Ist Krieg

On the off-chance I ever become an important figure, this terrifies me.

I saw them on that tour with Dethklok, High on Fire and Converge. It was a metal purist's nightmare and an incredible show.

Or whalers.

It also speaks to the fact that each of the four of them is clearly essential to the chemistry of the band. A lot of metal bands have one or two core guys, and then hired guns filling positions who rotate in and out. Obviously not the case with Mastodon.
(Come to think of it, the other go-to example of this kind of

There is that part in Last Baron where they lift the thing right from YYZ, which is weird.

That's true Muppet justice.

So this just occurred to me—how often does a metal band make it to album six without a lineup change? That's something.

I don't know, man, The Czar and The Last Baron have some truly massive riffs. I'm with you on the first half, though. Divinations is the perfect Mastodon song.

Funny that he did both, since I agree that S&A generally sounds awesome. "Turn it up" might have actually been the right instinct, since CA is heavier and busier, but it's not balanced right. (I don't know enough about sound…stuff…to articulate it any better.)

I love, love, love the songs, the album just has a noisy and tinny sound that gets abrasive after a few tracks for me.

I think when Manowar said it they were talking about hair metal. Poison and Warrant and shit.
Now that we've lived through the darkness of nu-metal I think we should all just agree it means that.

Did he do Clockwork Angels? Because that thing is hell on the ears. The songs are great, but I don't think I've ever listened to it all the way through.

I'm just gonna fourth Leviathan. It's one of those perfect albums.

There are people who think you're an idiot if you like anything after their first album, but there are those people for literally every metal band.

…Oh, whoops. I'll just—I'll just move along.

Gabriel Iglesias—bad comedian, or the worst comedian?

Liam Neeson was just some guy with a similar name.

I took a class on Melville and wrote a paper about Wrath of Khan!

Her acting is best in made up languages, which is a very weird and specific acting talent.