Jake Ist Krieg

That's about as perfect a pairing as I can imagine. Like when Heaven and Hell toured with Priest.

That's an interesting thought. I've always put Slaughter above Jester Race, even though they're both great albums, but maybe that's only because AtG never sullied their legacy.

I fucking LOVED the new one. Atmospheric and gorgeous and without filler or bullshit of any kind. It and Foundations of Burden were my favorite albums of last year, which made it all the sweeter that I got to see AtG and Pallbearer (and Converge!) in Denver a couple of weeks ago. Truly one of the best shows I've ever

We should probably trigger warn this whole thread.

It sounds like a Christian watchdog describing their misconception of some supposedly hip new sex act.

Do you take Spanish and Punjabi in law school?

For Christ's sake, why CGI a statue? It doesn't have to move. Build a goddamn statue.

No way. No WAY. That is hilarious. I was so sure.

Studio 60 had one gag I really liked. Their show was running short and they were trying to find a way to fill runtime, and they had an exchange along these lines:
"Maybe the musical guest can do a second song. Who is it again?"
"James Blunt."
So not, you know, genius. But I still laugh about it sometimes.

Great art + emphasis on detective work does it for me! It helps that I liked Battling Boy so much. I'll check it out!

Sell me on Year 100. I've been told it's great but I've been burned on Elseworlds-style stuff before.

I agree, what a great power concept.

I was loving Battling Boy until the non-ending. In my opinion if I have to wait that long for part 2, part 1 should feel more like a complete story. Not that I won't be picking up all of these.
Also, is this one actually in black and white or is this just a b&w preview? Those pages look fantastic like that.

I share your joy. "He's in a Floyd-hole!"

I wouldn't want to overstate the significance of this, but I liked that he and Black Widow were a genderswapped iteration of your typical hero/imperiled-love-interest relationship; that is, he existed primarily to give dimension to her.

Well fuck, I love that Springsteen song but somehow I never realized that "edgy and dull" makes no sense. My world became a tad less awesome today.

The lover of life's not a sinner
The ending is just a beginner
Love can be seen as the answer
But nobody bleeds for the dancer!
EDIT: Oh, I fucked it up. Still, though.

Well, by "compelling ending" I meant the business with Two-Face. And I disagree. The Joker already has his victory in the destruction of Dent. It's waaaay better to show the other side of things by having the people on the boat survive.

Yeah, this trilogy really frustrates me, because it has so many great elements that it just doesn't quite assemble right. I just want Batman Begins to have a compelling ending like The Dark Knight, and for The Dark Knight to look more like Batman Begins, and for all the screenplays to cut some of the blunt payoffs,

Miller himself lost track of that with his prequel, All-Star Batman and Robin, where he writes Bats as the grim dismissive psychopath from the beginning. Over time, Miller lost track of a lot of things.