Jake Ist Krieg

Obviously it didn't work out, but I liked that this was essentially Robb's plan. No conquest, we're just gonna march south, kill Joffrey because fuck that guy, then we're going home. I'd back a king with that kind of attitude.
Edit: Oh, whoops, three-day-old thread.

I've never done Lays, but I'd bet that "slog" feeling was just fatigue. You made it through The Silmarillion, after all, which is beautiful, but not exactly the most readable thing in the world.
I'm halfway through a re-read of LotR myself at the moment, and I think when I finish I'm gonna just barrel through as much

On the other hand, if tying into something it's not totally simpatico with is the way to cause this cool idea to exist, then so be it. (I say this as a loyal Tolkien devotee.)

I've spent some time with D&D Online on free to play. Took a while to get old. Worth my no money.

Heeeeell yeah. Supplementary Tolkien is not for everybody, but if it's for you it's incredibly rewarding. I'm gonna go memorize some lineages right now.

…son of a bitch.

To be fair, she sort of joins Rose and Clara as The Three Specialest Girls in the Whole Wide Galaxy.

Is this a reference I should get? I feel like it is and it's itching my brain and not easily Googled. Please help me, Tecumseh. I'm suffering.

Exactly. The reason it's fun for him to be an unstoppable force is that he *made* himself an unstoppable force. There are moments when it goes over the line, but it's not like he never takes a hit, either.

No, though, it won't, because the Goyer/Snyder team demonstrated with MoS that they can't even do dumb fun right. It's gonna be murky and dour and self-serious and unwatchable.

It says a lot about a movie's director when a really good actress is terrible in it, in a substantial role.

Hey, this post is really helpful to me, and damn timely, too, so thanks. I'm so sorry about your friend. Keep on fighting.

Unless he gets lost in time or whatever the fuck, in which case one of the Robins has to be a spare The Batman until he fights his way back through time or whatever the fuck.

And you're operating in the shadows in the middle of the night, and wearing black, and moving like a ninja.
It's just convincing enough for a hero story. I'm sure if some jackass tried this in real life he'd get shot on night one, but there is a gulf between "some jackass" and "Batman."

It's the Empire Strikes Back problem. Alas, all we can do is roll with it.

I haven't played D&D in a few years due to a dearth of the right kind of friends. What you just described was so awesome it nearly brought tears to my eyes.

There's some good stuff in that movie, if memory serves. I thought Norton and Tyler did a good job of conveying that Bruce and Betty were good people who'd had a good life that was destroyed by this horrible thing that had happened, and there wasn't really much hope of rebuilding it.
The third act blew, though.

After House of M, when everyone first realizes that mutants are losing their powers, Scott and Emma have an "Oh shit, Logan's gonna die" freakout until they see that he's still got his. So you're right.

I'm betting it becomes Kitty Pryde and the X-Men or something.

That was a shame. Avenging Spidey was exactly the kind of thing modern comics needs more of.