
Meh, young children come home from preschool/day care literally COVERED in viruses and bacteria that have a much higher chance of making you sick than anything you might get from your dog. Sharing your life and home with other beings entails inherent risk... I assume most people who choose to do so believe the many

I fucking despise Facebook. I despise it's premise, it's styling like button and above all is despise the moronic drivel that makes up 99% of the shit people post on it.

Android would ruin it. Windows 10 Mobile is in a class all its own, and runs in a space Android just can’t operate. I’ve already paired a bluetooth keyboard and mouse with it and have had a taste of how Continuum will work. Continuum is a paradigm shift in mobile computing. Just as the Surface Pro is a laptop when you

Yes New and revolutionary technology that I won’t see for 20 years if at all.