
All this “health” hysteria is tripe. This piece in particular. On one I have ever known or heard of has ever had any problems from dog saliva. Most dogs don’t eat poop. And the amount of “unhealthy” bacteria is so small it’s only likely to boost your immune system.

should you care?

If you say that getting the money is the most important thing, you will spend your life completely wasting your time.

This article is very relevant to some ppl that are older too. My wife (almost 40) is a bit depressed at times because she hates her job and she is trying to move into a new field. There is a lot of self-doubt and anxiety that comes with that. I don’t think this article was aimed ppl just starting their career, but ppl

It’s a network run by conservatives. Is this really a surprise?

two thoughts.. both sarcastic.

Remote Desktop is a universal app. That, with Continuum is all one would ever need... once miracast gets the bugs worked out.

I’ve been using it as a daily driver for 6 months, on a 3 year old 1020. it is nearly flawless.

“MS is not abandoning Windows mobile yet”..

“but they’ve made life infinitely easier for iOS users”

Watch, Nebraska or Oklahoma will sure LA for stealing their rain water.

I believe Edge is supposed to follow standards to the letter,e.g. be the same as other browsers. This was (partially) the point of replacing IE with a “complete rewrite”.

thats funny, i guess the idea is that the playback/image/screenshot only shows the app, not the bar? Glad to see this get some attention, they should make it system wide. and given the feedback in the feeback app, they prbly will.

Builds of windows 10 mobile are not as far along as Win10, but much better than they were a month ago. The phone os is actually looking pretty sexy today and is mirroring the desktop UI pretty well, including updated apps. No continuum yet though, that’s one of the major things we are all waiting for. well, that and a

hes talking about file explorer

Its like if you jumped into the air in New York, then the earth spun reeealllly fast and when ur feet hit the ground, you find yourself standing in Los Angeles.

The way I see it is they all should be paying us for our data. Use Bing, support corporations paying us!