Jake Gronie

Interesting option. I guess if Phil knows any Swedish it would have been a good choice if they wanted to cover it up. Don't know what it'd be like in the early 80s, but Paige's church seems like it'd be in the BDS movement today.

I though they were going to say they're in the country illegally to give her a plausible explanation without lying to her.

That probably could have worked but it's the kind of comparitivly lesser "sin" Paige would have totally NARCed to Pastor Tim and the youth group about giving the Jennings attention from the community.

I wasted an entire Saturday searching a field for an alleged porn stash outside my freind's subdivision.

He could just get a SI Swimsuit issue at a newsstand. They got me through JR High in the mid -90s.

I know those words, but that sentence makes no sense.

It buffers in the correct American way.

I used to read those during reading time when I first noticed the opposite sex in 4th grade thinking it would give me insight to girls and give something to talk about. Needless to say it didn't work.

My district was K-6 and 7-12 so 7th and 8th grade werected considered Jr. High.

When this was on in syndication in the late 90s early 00s I'd always skip it. I'm sure it was still better than 90% of anything else on but by season eight I'd say most of the episodes weren't as good as the hyper prime seasons of 3-6 and as a spoiled fan I overreacted to some good but not great episodes.

I live in Rochester, NY and there's a million minor league teams and they all love to play this song multiple times a game. The crowds love it. I hate my city.

With Louise and Rudy I see mutual respect, with Lisa and Milhouse I just see pity and longing.

Can I see it?

I think they're both playing it like they're tweens. All they're foreshadowing is a first kiss for Bruce.

She totally made it up and Bruce either believed her to show he still has some innocence left and if he didn't he was faking it to be nice. I'm leaning toward the latter. I thought it was a sweet scene.

While Bruce was doing all the training throughout the episode, I was hoping it would show him doing some home school chemistry where he's working on shark repellent.

Ringtones have been a strength on this show.

Deliberately ambiguous.

During that food fight she had the reflexes of some sort of animal I forget the name of.

One of my favorite MST3K lines.