Jake Gronie

The UFO stuff just added to the atmosphere, didn't effect the plot at all. I thought it was aces.

Slow clap.

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I think the reception to Mockingjay the novel hurt the momentum for the last two movies.

I saw this in the theater with my mom.

They're even better raw!

Living in Upstate NY I got a real kick out of how a free vacation to Upstate was presented tot the kids as a once in a lifetime opportunity.

Weisberg's show had heart, but Football In The Groin had a football in the groin.

Getting rid of Yub Nub irks me more than adding Hayden Christensen at the end of ROTJ.

Stop stealing my fan fiction!

I'm five episodes in and like it enough, but it just irks me they pretend the Nazis were atheist. They weren't Christian fundamentalists like some bumper sticker leftys would like you to believe, but they had good relationships with protestant and Catholic denominations. If you hyper value social cohesion like the

ET made me afraid of astronauts.

What a bunch of clowns.

The jockey episode is where I think the writers went from poking an over zealous fan base to out right mocking fans. They knew they were lazy and recycling plot lines but fans who pointed that out were the problem.

That and I also interpreted that cross dressing might be whispered about behind closed doors but would have been a good way to get a trip to Siberia.

The only laserdisk I ever saw was in high school. During my K-12 experience I saw slide shows, film stripes, VHS, laserdisk and DVD.

I was too caught up in the big reveal to realize the sub forgot to give us a wig and Mail Robot update.

The A.V. Club- not for people who reproduce.

IDK if that's polite conversation. All of my extended family lives out of state and no one ever asked why they weren't around.