Jake Gronie

I'm ready to dox Alasdir.

I don't know if Rudy could physically survive Louise having romantic feelings for him given the way she likes to treat her crushes.

I really felt like how this was one of the best, rare Linda episodes of the show. I love how she immediately went from the "OMG" drugs scenario to creating a Mad Max environment. A- from my view.

Well they were in Atlanta.

Totally missed that.

I hate self loathing smarks (plus most non-obsessive fans know that.)

I thought they were sunflower seeds.

I don't really have a character I actively dislike like I did with Andrea right now, but I would not care if the show was just the group of Daryl, Carol, and Beth.

I get more of a big brother vibe from his relationship with Beth and that Daryl and Carol are pragmatic enough to avoid the pitfalls of romantic love in the zombie apocalypse. They're both survivors first.

I have no idea if this is true but I want it to be so I reflexivly upvoted that.

I have no idea if this is true but I want it to be so I reflexively upvoted that.

Who's mowing all the grass!!!!????

Actually it will be about ethics in games journalism.

I was in 8th grade and it's sort of the perfect example how Jr. High kids used the term "gay" at the time and elementary school views of inter-gender relations.

I agree with the B grade but without Harrrelson I don't know the show would have gotten more than a C. His delivery totally saved the Apples and the drunk white guys bitch about change sketches.

I think the "can't shake hands with a ghost" line was my favorite of the night because it was so out of left field in a pretty run of the mill dating show parody. Also liked the "I'd take her to a war memorial" line.

I read this thread every week but I seldom comment because any point I have is usually made in a more intelligent way than I could articulate.

I figured out I got 5 hours of Seinfeld when I was living in the Cleveland market in 2004. A lot of the time different stations were showing the same episode though.

Her Pottsylvanian accent was hard for me to understand as well.

I like the show better than the reviewer but I thought it regressed this week. It brought back some of the shows bad habits like clunky dialogue, villain of the week, Selena being shoe horned in, and Barbara continues to be a total idiot. Still enjoy the mob stuff. B- for me