Jake Gronie

I'm convinced the Waynes didn't have a "no therapy" policy and Alfred is just a psychopath.

90% sure it's just what they want us to think, but I was shocked they'd even tease that. Weird to tease to turn in next week when we might make you angry and sad!

Yeah, the appeal of the show is average people surviving the Apocalypse, but I have no practical skills to make that feasible. The Eugene strategy would be my only hope.

Anybody look at Abraham and Eugene and realize if they were somehow to have a kid he'd look like Zap Rowlsdower?

Canadians don't say a-boot but they shift their vowels in a way I have no idea how to articulate.

As someone who has been in therapy, Satan was pretty great at it.

Jimmy's brief time in the episode was great, he was such an 80s PSA drug dealer.

Bake him away toys.

Bitching about the availability of show you hate online is the most First World Problem ever.

I knew a Michael Hunt in college and he was very insistent not to be called Mike. Bet he hates his parents.

To paraphrase MST3K, don't reference a better show in the middle of your crappy show.

I think Jada Smith is the only one who gets how campy this show is, but I think they did finally have the right balance this week. The main plot felt serious but not trying to be overly gritty.

I think Oswald was being portrayed as asexual if anything and his rejection of his mom's dating advice shows he's too focused on crime to waste time on Gotham's singles scene. I get where the reviewer's coming from as many characters in the past suffered from this, but I doubt or at least hope that's not what the

After half of season of meh at best and "monster of the week" episodes I'll say it's gotten at least good and it connecting to the MCU, so I'm satisfied. Might not throw around the term "freaking good" but I'm enjoying the show"s progress.

I think Simmons awkwardness gave a tension to her undercover stint you wouldn't have if say May went undercover. In the end you knew they wouldn't kill off a main character, but I still was nervous every second Simmons was at HYRDRA. Still think she might have been brainwashed off camera.

She annoyed the hell out of me in the first half of season one, but I lover her resistance to a Ward redemption they keep teasing. Only redemption he deserves is falling on a grenade for SHIELD.

I really hope so. I've always found Simmons (and Fitz) the most relatable because I would only ever end up in a spy agency because of my academic background. I would also really suck at lying and making friends if asked to go into the field. It's pure wish fulfillment, but I'd love if Simmons was close to Peggy Carter

Agent Creamed Corn Tastes Like Creamed Crap.

The AV Club

I was thinking the same thing, esp. after that guy stole the ATM.