Jake Gronie

Wait so Job doesn't even get in after putting up with God's shenanigans?

I think the show's biggest emotional punch to the face was when she decided to give in a shop her profile photo.

I'd say it's been often underwhelming compared to the rest of the MCU most of the time but it's never been terrible.

I'm 95% sure Simmons is infiltrating Hydra and not doing a non nonsensical heel turn, but it's been established she sucks at lying. Thinking they might due a blackmail her into helping Hydra story line out of hope of some cure for Fitz.

Get me the non-union Mexican equivalent of Jeff Goldblum!

When VH1 ran I Love the 2000s it made me nostalgic for I Love the 80s.

That's great, wish I knew they were airing that episode.

She's an overproduced Nick commodity who I can't understand, but she at least has some legit pipes.

I'll say he has more potential than Jost at least.

So Central Asia is in the Middle East now?

I would pay all the money to see late 90s Mankind and The Rock as vampire hunters.

I still like The Walking Dead despite it being so uneven week to week, but yeah The Strain is way more fun in the 2nd half of the season.

I've been calling the non-intelligent ones zombie-vampires the whole time. The argument about killing Jim is one of the most worn out zombie tropes.

I'm giving this show a lot of leeway in terms of world building so I'll accept that some magic hacker girl shut down the internet and phones but then they immediately break a rule they established. It was a fun episode but it's things like this makes me worry this show is going to end up a train wreck.

I miss Surge, they gave away a ton of free samples in my market.

And I just remembered this applied to things like the homecoming court. 2/4 years the College Dems dominated.

That sounds like it could be an episode of Boy Meets World.

Same resume padders in high school but now it's for grad school or "the real world."

I want to go rewatch Election right now.