Jake Gronie

I wish I could think of a way to type out his cadence.

She was also great on Baby Blues.

At my school it was usually the one resume padder who wanted the job got it because as The Simpsons pointed out student goverment is more work without any real power.

In a row?

If you gave me just the text of that I would have guessed Onion article.

I didn't down vote that but I wish I could see the amount of down votes.

I really had no idea he was in recovery until recently. Don't listen to his podcast, but he hardly pushes that on TV.

I had no idea he hosted the show, but most of my attention was with jerking off to Jenny McCarthy.

I hated him at first, and I still view him as a low rent version of Joel McHale, but I've learned to tolerate him.

*explains joke and makes it less funny*


I'd buy that for a dollar.

So I'm guessing you'd need a translation for bonjour.

There's really nothing else on in this time slot right now and it's turned into campy fun IMO.

I would agree with you but might as well go all in at this point.

The last two episodes have made me forget the notion that this would be a serious drama about ZombieVampires and just accept it's going to be at be a fun/well produced B-movie type of show.

She's gonna be like Penny in Inspector Gadget and do all the real work.

I seem to remember people using flip phones.

Batman had to walk and he was able to get to Gotham in less than a year.

There are a few SAC bases out in the Dakotas.