Jake Gronie

Drink Night Train, go to the basketball gameā€¦

But the good news is that healthy snacks are getting cheaper.

Making teenagers depressed is like shooting fish in a barrel.

For some reason that's one of my dad's favorite Simpson's jokes and he usually doesn't get pot jokes.

It's like he has some sort of magic xelyphone.

Skorts vs Jorts, who ya got?

Dad seems busy with work and the Mom is an idiot so I doubt it.

I totally just wasted a half hour of my life watching those. Liked Mean Girls the best.

I don't think everything needs a trigger warning, and I'm down with sex and violence on TV, but I wish there was a special rating for sexual violence. I've dated a girl who was raped and another whose sister was raped and I just found it jarring and was glad we were no longer dating and watching this.

Arrested Development had likable, or at least funny in their rotten ways characters.

I was thinking the country might have multiple languages and English is what they've adopted as the common language.

The creators said they didn't want to mention any real life political movements or sects. Which is A. dumb to begin with, and B. they mention The Brotherhood (gee, what could that be?) and Zionists.

She really doesn't seem smart enough for treachery so far.

Creator has pretty much said just that. He was interested how someone with a Western education and a British wife turned into Assad.

Yeah, I saw a lot of pepole bitching about negative stereotypes on Twitter. The show is called Tyrant and is from the POV of tyrants, not the average Muslim.

The ambassador seemed to love how Daddy was running the country. I could see drones making an appearance if the insurgency gets out of hand.

It's sort of interesting. I've read being gay and traveling through the Mid-east isn't the death sentence they typical westerner thinks it because the sexes are so heavily segregated in some countries and male friends are much more physically friendly in Arab culture (kissing, holding hands)

Unlike wifey, the daughter at least seems to have at least looked at the Wikipedia page for Fake Country. She's the 2nd most likeable character on the show so far, so not off to a great start.

My favorite joke from American Dad was in Saudi Arabia episode were the fake terrorists asks Hailey if we want's to get stoned.

The best thing the show has going for it so far is it's time slot. I guess I'm in. I love the general concept but not enjoying the execution so far. Feel I like I'm going to end up hate watching.