Jake Gronie

I wish Kings was given a chance. Seems like it would do well today on FX or AMC.

Did we really need 3 rapes to establish Jamal is a sociopath?

I don't have high hopes for that based on the pilot.

It's like the writers want the actress playing the wife to get misogynist hate.

TR deserves his own series.



Ha ha!

I LOVED how dark Moral Oral got.

I never fully got that joke until now, but that was shit I should have got from social studies class.

I was on the border making a comment about prison rape because it is about a fictional character, but I'm tired about how prison rape is joked about in real life.

I mean I was rooting for Lester to get killed by Malvo in a karmatic fictional universe, but but read the comments on a local crime story and the pro prison rape crowd always gets a comment in.

If Chaz only went to prison for his illegal guns in the end I'd be supper happy.

I would love a season were we see WTF went down in Sioux Falls.

I doubt this is a thing that a Coen Brothers produced show would ever think about, but it felt like a very specific way you'd have to kill the final boss in a NES game.

I thought I wanted to see Molly kill Lester and/or Malvo, but I really wouldn't have in retrospect.

I think the national media would be all over this after Malvo takes out 20 something people in Fargo. Hell, a string of murders in a place like Bemidjii is perfect for someone like Nancy Grace.

Um yeah, Minnesota isn't Florida. I mean I doubt a jury would convict him, but would doubt wouldn't be charged and handcuffed at the scene.

For such a minor roll, I really loved Greta. I just assume all teenagers are assholes these days because I was an asshole as a teenager.

If this show was borrowing as much from Dante as some people think, they definitely represented Purgatory well. Seem like they would be the philosophers stuck there.