Jake Gronie

I thought it was perfect, any big speech is just going to push her away.

I think this explains why I get a Farmers Only ad pretty much every commercial break on Dish.

I'll just leave this here, do with it as you like.

The teacher role seemed designed to be played by Hoffman to me. Guy they cast had a similar body type.

I can imagine Louie asks her out and she takes him to youth group and they like each other but can't see eye to eye on religion.

Adult Louie is just as bad as asking women who speak English out.

Yeah, I don't imagine Louis CK would be happy about that.

As a kid who often skated on stuff because of my reputation as a "good kid" I loved this scene so much. Of course I was usually only in trouble for letting other kids cheat off me. I wondered what would happen if I ever got caught with pot at school. I was pretty confident I could talk my way about of anything

"McAruther Parker the agent? McArthur Parker my agent?"

When I was an undergard we'd have Zima or Smirnoff Ice for "dessert" after getting drunk off of Natty Light.

Christmas Ape goes to Summer Camp

I could see him yelling out Rodgers!

It's on their way to school. Being able to find your away around New York would be something I'd try to install in children.

I think the point was that even guys who "get it" can feel entitled to some sort of romantic or sexual obligation from girls they're friends with. I've felt that was when I was younger, and Louie was carrying that idea out a dark (thought not as dark as it could have been I guess) end.

Forget who, some comedian had a joke about "Katrina is coming!" doesn't sound like a bad thing.

I thought he was jacking it at first.

I figured if that wasn't a Catholic Church it's be Eastern Orthodox, but not that specific. So she's probably ethnically Latvian which adds a whole other layer of what we and Louie didn't know about her.

“This would be rape if you weren't so stupid,”

Guess I was wrong about the hammer, but that snooping without a warrant will probably come up at some point.

She's going to have to admit she did some snooping without a warrant and saw the hammer at Lester's I guess.