Jake Gronie

I think we saw Lester say God instead of gosh for the first time when he was getting laid.

That's the title it would have been on Sunny.

I thought Lester won the Walter White Memorial Award for Excellence in Lying tonight.

I thought this was the stronger than all the erstwhile episodes, and that's saying a lot. The lack of erstwhile in the flashbacks is my biggest complaint.

He was so pathetic in the first episode I couldn't help but feel sorry for him. When his wife was goading him to hit her part of me was wishing he did, and then I was immediately horrified with myself when he killed her.

When I saw the grade I thought it was for Malvo going from mere serial killer to cartoonish super villain, not ambivalence over the most likable and competent character on television living. That scene was just so well done and innovative it didn't bother me.

I don't really judge comedy by how many time I literally LOL. I'd compare this season to a Wes Anderson movie, in that I'm just so in love with the situations and the surroundings that don't care about laugh counts.

I really hope the DVD will have the option of having the Hungarian subtitled. It'd be great to re-watch them in that context, kind of like re-watching the Rita arc from Arrested Development knowing the payoff.

Can't wait for the supercut of all the news scenes from this show.

I guess History and A&E are the non-official Fox News Entertainment channels these days. So sad. Who the fuck thinks Cheney or Rumsfeld can provide intelligent commentary on anything these days?

Here's my insane fan theory that I don't really believe:

I assumed the Jennings stayed just outside the Adirondacks. and it was filmed barely Upstate/or NYC exurbs and the cabin was filmed in the Catskills.

I think she gets saved but something like this. Think that Oleg pulls some strings and has a Cold War with Arkady next season.

I was really glad Louie finally figured out he was best leaving things with Pamela platonic, but I still thought if he had to be in relationship the better choice was someone he could actually talk too. I think even if she was staying, the whole language barrier makes the relationship very low stakes. I'm glad she's

I doubt I'm ever going to have kids so I feel like my closet experience to fatherhood is watching Louis the character and the real man talking about raising his kids. I think Louie's fatherhood has been dominated by the tension of raising kids who value fairness and respect while at the same time trying to get his

It's amazing how much a little thing like a series being filmed where it's set helps a show. Never having been to NYC I feel like I'm seeing it for the first time even thought a million things have been set there.

It was like the subway scene without a homeless guy interrupting.

It has the NFL lead it but I feel like it will constantly be delayed after the NFL runs long. I'm going to go ahead and blame Jerry Jones for Bob's Burgers cancellation.

I felt like the group hug was fan service for what I love about this show. Excessive, but made be have so many feels. Like someone said up thread, this would have been a fine series finale. So glad that it isn't.