Jake Gronie

I'd say Tina is significantly more Bobby than Gene, though neither is a perfect fit. Definitely no one comparable to Louise on KOTH.

Are you Vince Russo?

Wish Henry would have done something more bad ass than find the key under the doormat break into the neighbors to play Colecoision this season.

I had the thought one of Phil's personas was the man she was leaving Stan for. At that point I'd route for the show to go full retarded.

I liked when it turned out Paige was with a lefty church, but I hope it doesn't turn into a People's Temple scenario.

I think she's on whatever side she thinks is in her best interest at the moment. So it is up in the air most of the time.

I think Ollie North's writing credit is for creating Larrick as his idea of himself, then the regular writers added the semi-closeted homosexual stuff.

Malvo has the creepier personality, but Larrick is Malvo as a government trained kill bot. Love the two Big Bads FX has right now.

Given that they're a married couple still using condoms, I hope Martha isn't plotting to poke holes in them.

At least one character needs to legit like lutefisk.

Mad Men is something I'm going to binge watch on Netflix once the entire series is up.

She wears glasses and overalls? No way I win the bet that I can turn her into a prom queen.

I was wondering if that was the season grade? I thought this episode was A- or B+ grading on a curve.

Agent I Hope He Dies and Doesn't Redeem Himself After Murdering A Paraplegic and Multiple SHEILD Agents.

So much good TV on right now. I can't remember how much I've been invested in so many shows. Although not on the level of Fargo/Louie/TheAmericans I'm enjoying Turn and loved the Agents of SHEILD the past month.

I love how emotionally invested I got in a character who I only saw for one scene prior to that.

I would have gone with…victory.

Usually shows try to make the wholesome altruistic character naive and they end up putting themselves in danger because of being dumb and trusting the wrong person or not making the hard choice.

I like that he expects a certain level of realism from a movie with talking animals.