Jake Gronie

Thousand feared dead in Kual…. France.

I like her and I like how they give her more deeper roles than "fat chick." Writers should learn from this when writing for Melissa McCarthy.

I hate him, but he seems to get a lot of love on Twitter. It shouldn't bother me so many people love him, but it does.

I can't stand Drunk Uncle, and I was really hoping they were bringing in Jacob to give a Jr. high graduation speech. Drunk Uncle is nothing but an extended "get of my lawn!" joke that seems to show up every week.

Maybe it's just because of Atari Teenage Riot, but I assumed the European anarchist was German.

Reminded me of a Dreamworks animated movie.

Can we trade moms?

I think it took Ward turning evil for her to get likable. I loved her in the scene at the dinner with him.

You win the thread.

Never meet your heroes.

Troll click bait headline aside, at least I finally got to bitch about this movie online. Back in my day we had to bitch about movies face to face in the lunch room.

14 old me loved Julianne Moore, and by love I mean jacked off to.

Adrian's Revenge is the best Rocky sequel.

If Lost World accomplished anything, it established my hatred of Vince Vaughn.

I was hoping the third one would have ended with Navy Seals vs. Dinos, but alas that whole movie was a waste of time.

Shut up and take my money!

I grew up in a Presbyterian church that raised money for UNICEF and the Heifer Project, so I was super glad Paige was going to a progressive church. Although I don't personally believe in a God anymore, I'm glad progressive Christianity is being acknowledged.

My first slow dance was to the The Sweater Song.

The Return of The Rentals was the first CD that I bought.

I kept thinking off the "I want to help you George Washington" line, but this is a much better Simpsons reference.