Jake Gronie

I agree with the grade and that it was one of the best episodes of the season and it was the strongest Update in recent memory. The show's going through some growing pains.

But she solved racism in The Help!

Maybe it's just me, but I've never interacted with any militant Beyonce fans. The moment I say anything negative about Beiber or One Direction on Twitter I'm immediately attacked.

Be sure to cite this post when you sue whatever studio for stealing your idea.

Those "Hollywood blockbusters" are a trio from hell.

That's the reason why I think he's a good Peter Parker.

I'd say McHale was more hit and miss than bombed. I did love that he mortified the stuffy audience. I would give him a solid B+.

Can't we talk about the great X-Files too parter and what a creep his character was in both bodies?

I think it's perfect. It would seem so harmless to spy for Sweden.

It looked like the wet snow you get when it snows in March to me.

I would totally spy on the ISI if an attractive "Swede" asked me too, and quickly end up dead.

I put the over/under on how many episodes the new handler stays alive at one.

I live near a small national guard base and I has happy to see the trucks are now mostly back to green camo.

They kept the music but made it lamer.

That's why I want to know the sect so badly, I want to know if Liz is overreacting or not. The first time I heard the term "Adam and Steve" was at the closing ceremonies at a Bible Camp my brother went to with a friend. I bit my tongue, but I wondered how my parents could let him go to place like that.

After a quick google search, I wish she didn't have to have 80s hair on the show.

Malvo's not an anti-hero, he's just a damn good villain who has so far only killed other assholes.

Even when your dog breaks into your garbage, shits it out, eats the shit, pukes up the shit, and then eats it, you still love them. The dumber the dog is, the harder it is to hate them.

I feel like the prize box at the dentist was lacking slap bracelets and those smelly rubber monster finger puppets. I way wounder what Louise's gas trip would have been like compared to Lisa Simpon's if Dr. Yap used gas.

When you write out his arc he seems creepy, but when you watch him he seems like the sweetest guy ever.