Jake Gronie

"Equestranauts"is probably my favorite Tina episode of all time, this defiantly my favorite Louise episode of all time. I grade this show on an insane curve, but it deserved at least an A-.

I love Summer of 4'2, it reminded me wanting to totally reinvent myself when I went of to be a undergrad, but realized that it doesn't work out in real life. In the end it works out if you find out the right group of friends.

This episode made me realize my family was only upper-lower middle class.

So, you want a realistic, down-to-earth show… that's completely off-the-wall and swarming with magic robots?

I don't remember a specific episode that made me gave up on it, I just sort of gradually stopped caring around 2006, and briefly got back into after the movie, hoping it would get reinvigorated like South Park did after it's movie.

That I got two syndicated episodes of classic Simpsons a day was the best part of Jr. High.

I'm waiting for Bob's Burgers and to a lesser extent Turn.

No wounder we beat them nearly half the time in football.

I loved the Simpsons arcade game.

I remember the shorts on the Tracy Ullman show and being super excited when they got a Christmas special.

I didn't like this one when it came out because it didn't produce a lot of laughs. , but I like it better as a character study looking back. Feel the same way about El Viaje Misterioso de Nuestro Jomer.

I've always liked that the Simpsons seasons were correlated to what year I was in school. I've always kind of under appreciated season 7 because it corresponded with hitting puberty and the awkwardness of Jr. High.

Interested in how much of that episode he actually "wrote."

Probably three.

I had the opposite reaction when Captain America 2 was obviously shot in Cleveland and not DC. I loved seeing super humans fighting in roads I've walked/driven down.

I'm just really interested what sect Paige is caught up in. The Presbyterian youth group I went to raised money for UNICEF and the Heifer Project, the Baptist youth group I went to just wanted converts. Is the $600 going to help people or just try to get converts?

I have to say the Jennings fighting the Contras and organized religion have be rooting for them more often than not this season.

I always thought it was the elder Bush, given that the voice actor went for accuracy and not a Dana Carvey style parody.

I would have loved if Lieberman was part of two failed presidential campaigns. I'll blame him for the first W. term before I blame Ralph Nader.

I had to google him and immediately felt bad for not remembering him. Great call.