Jake Gronie

Gerald Ford should have been a reoccurring character.

I wish that was a real law.

I could be wrong either way, but Intellivision came out in '78 according to the internets and Coleco came out in '82. I'm not quite sure exactly where we are in the timeline, but I don't see Henry breaking and entering for an older system.

I considered it an Honor Amongst Thieves type of reaction.

Anyone else immediately think of this classic MST3K short during that scene?

I was going to say Intellivision not ColecoVision, UnderOurFeet, but upon further google review you are correct sir.

I was seconds away from typing that.

It's so true, I had flashbacks to when I had to get my stomach pumped after attending an impromptu post Columbine school canceled for a bomb threat party. I got grounder for two weeks, but it was nothing compared to the two hours after I regained consciousness in the hospital.

The dangled the Arpanet intel in front of him. I think he turns out of his intellectual curiosity. YEAH SCIENCE!

I've worked with douchebros like that, I'm sure it wasn't even blinked at 30 odd years ago.

Definitely think it makes a reappearance, Chekov's Gun at this point.

I also loved how unsure Nina was about what to do with this new found info.

My brother (an amateur comedian according to his twitter profile) hates her because he thinks women comics who talk about sex are hacks for some reason.

Fuck, I missed Fargo. I don't know why FX is promoting it by saying "check local listings."

If you're being nice just to get into someone pants you're not really a nice guy. A lot of guys I know think courtesy earns them a blow job.

My friend in HS was like that for a girl that flat out told him she wasn't interested. He was convinced he could make her love him by acting like those guys. They exist even when they're not being "lead on."

Time for nitpicking. I enjoyed it myself consistently except for the cable bill sketch. It was based on a worn out hack joke and went too long. I would have gone with a B+.

All MLP porn does is to prove Rule 34.

Easily the weakest B plot of the season.

Really hope he's a reoccurring character. He's somehow the stoic voice of reason and hilarious at the same time.