Jake Gronie

Not a Brony, but they seem nice and I don't like how much they get savaged on the internet. Once again this show is about celebrating weirdness.

I enjoy watching a simpler time where attempting to blow up Parliament made you a ridiculed villain and not some folk hero fighting The Man. I don't see how trying to blow up a symbol of representative government is an image activists want. But hey, it looked cool in a mediocre movie.

Surprised no has mentioned it totally rip off the scene where Walt shows Holly his stash of money.

I was worried when the Equesticles were treating Tina nice it was because she was the only girl there and thinks were about to get creepy, though Tina would have loved it as first.
Also made me uncomfortable with my own crush on Tina.



You should have played it as a Helen Keller/Ann Frank joke. You were talking about Clerks.

Oh, dear…..

Agent Big McLargeHuge. Am I doing this right?

Is Earth 137C their current dimension or their original dimension?

So Evil Morty is the robot Morty for the opening?

Yeah, this episode had me rooting for our "heroes" without the normal reservations of an American. You don't have to be a Sandinista to root against a plot selling arms to Iran to fund the Contras.

I don't think pushing your leftist idealism on your daughter is the best way to keep your cover. I think Paige might end up being the right wing evangelical idealistic version of Elizabeth.

FX so gradually changed into a soft core porno channel that no one even noticed.

I thought the Rep was from Texas, but I think I remember Elizabeth wearing a Tennessee pen. Could be wrong, but great little shout out if that was what they were going for.

As I stated two weeks ago, it's really considered impolite to ask about someone's religion on the East Coast.

She's the sweetest killer spy ever.

I got nostalgic for when me and my mom would pick up dad from his office in the mid 80s.

She takes a polygraph, but from Oleg in the "next week on The Americans" promo.

Also Requiem for a Dream and Trainspotting.