Jake Gronie

What's that smell?

I never got the Comedy Central hate, hell they still had MST3K.

Maybe it's just me, but I didn't find Joe's gang being cool with a pedophile believable. Sure they're all scum bags, but they seemed like prison gang that would have totally shanked a child molester in prison. They also seemed like the type of scumbags who would have been cool with raping Michonne and a girl about

Um yeah. I got into the genre when my college roommate rented 28 Days Latter, and I was like all wow, the humans are actually way worse than the zombies, good twist. Then I watched most of the major zombie movies ever and realized how hack it was.

I miss trying to pick up Canadian TV with rabbit ears as someone in Rochester. Picked up Montreal once.

I heard it was a Canadian thing. I was watching in SD and had no problems.

I never heard of that guy before. He takes his great voice and wastes it by making bland music and being a total douchebag. I kept wondering how he got popular enough to be on SNL, I could imagine his music playing on any radio/streaming format other than soft rock.

Not a fan of the current WU field by any means but they are gradually improving and seem more relaxed and comfortable. I'm willing to give them some time to develop before I officially hate them as anchors.

I thought the same thing. Made me nostalgic for high school in the late 90s, which is something I never thought I would type.

Tweeted that line during the show.

If you think of Morty as a younger Jeff, you get that with Rick and Morty.

I never liked Sinbad but I loved his cameos as himself on AD and It's Always Sunny.

Their was a big plastic case of communal porn in an overgrown field in my town for some reason.

"The character’s monotone Asperger-y vocal delivery style still plays more like an actorly affectation than an actual trait, but he’s vaguely amusing."

I enjoyed it but seldom laughed. I would have given it a B on the insanely high curve I put this show on.

I'd say Linda, she sincerely supports her kids 99% of the time.

I keep thinking this show wouldn't have lasted past a season if they went with the original idea Mintz being a boy.

I didn't LOL that much either but still enjoyed the hell out of this episode.

Sugar crash?
