Jake Gronie

Excuse to do spy stuff down in the basement?

That would be cool of her, but I don't think those types run off the church groups.

I just took the whole reluctance with Stan was designed from scaring away the 30 year old virgin away and to set him up for the rape story.

It's generally considered bad manners to ask about religion on the East Coast.

I went to high school with Amanda Seaman.

The concept of the episode felt gimmicky and I was only going to give it a B on a high curve for this show, but Mort's speech to Summer and Beth and Jerry reuniting really won me over. A-.

I thought that speech was really sweet actually. It's about finding meaning with every day dumb shit with the people we love and we shouldn't take it for granted.

The Jerk Store called…

B+ Solid story about coming of age and I agree that it was a subtle subversion of 90s Men are From Mars thinking, and I really like they're starting to give Summer something to do and explored her relationship with Rick. I just didn't laugh at much as in some other episodes. I am grading on a curve, I have high…

I haven't seen Scandal, but the joke about instant computer magic could apply to pretty much any procedural on TV. I just didn't find that joke that funny. Dunham brought some good energy at least.

I've been annoyed every week since I noticed the boundaries are all straight angles and no curves.

Pretty much agree but I liked Nealon, though I haven't seen anything from that era in a long ass time. Comedy Central needs to get the reruns back from VH1 who won't show anything not from this decade.

It's true! It's true! We're so lame!

That sucks, best last ten sketch in a while.

That sketch was just as awkward and uncomfortable as that situation would be in real life. Didn't find the humor or make a point.

I would have given it a C- as well. I've never seen Girls so I had no preconceived notions of Dunham, but I thought she showed a lot of range, a big step up from last week. The show's going through growing pains and it shows. The only times I laughed out loud was for Lil Taint and Josh Hamm.

Surprised it took so long for this quote to show up.

Just like in real life.

Christmas Bob's Burgers disco boogie!

Oh, it's hot and wet and slick
And it's making everybody sick
Oil spill!