Jake Gronie

Too Much Tuna is a really stupid concept, but it works for those characters. Not a big fan of Oh, Hello, but I thought it worked last night.

Dumb fact: My mom refers to all Indiana Jones Movies as Raiders of the Lost Ark.

That's real? I thought it was parody of fries on overstuffed sandwiches.

I live across the Lake from Toronto and I love Wheels as a parody of the way Americans view Canada. Favorite segment on the show.

I've only been to Philly and Pittsburgh once but I think I got most of the references. I usually don't like Oh, Hello but I enjoyed it tonight. I hope we get to see the Rich Dicks in Dubai.

I lost it when LA Deli was the wife's ringtone.

My parents let me watch Beavis and Butthead when it came out when I was in 5th grade because cartoons, plus I've only dated other mentally ill ladies and Beth flashed some crazy eyes. I'm making sense of this.

Peach Schnapps is a much better first drink than for a rookie than moonshine. I would never want to have to babysit a rookie on moonshine, esp. during the Zombie Apocalypse. They'd be insane after two shots.

Yeah, Beth and Daryl are my two favorite characters, but the trip to the country club was pointless except for to rack up zombie kills. Daryl could have taken her to the moonshiners and they could have flashed back and fourth between another group for half the episode.

It was Never Have I Ever when I went to Kent State. It was all like Never have I eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeever while you thought of something. And we played it with Natty Light, playing with moonshine seems like a death sentence. Still a great way to get people to know people in a shot amount of time.

He meet Beth when she as 16 and the Walking Dead wiki has him listed to as mid 30s to early 40s. I was hesitant (rightfully so) to date a 17 year old when I was 20. Also I could see Merle plowing through some naive younger girls. His hesitance makes total sense to me.

Mine was Genny Light.

Pyro Beth really turned me on for some reason.

As someone on the spectrum, I fucking hate being compared to Sheldon. Fuck Parsons and his aspie minstrel hack performances.


A for the brutality. Almost Breaking Bad good tonight. A+ is you take the grade shows on a curve to heart.

I'm obviously unqualified to answer that question, but asking it is a good way to make sure the ladies will never go down on you.

She's shown she can fight them off.

Just had a stamps.com come up on Spotify and had to laugh.

Still disappointed when there's no Sloppy Secondz.