Jake Gronie

I think the San Diego Mindset was just going after self help quackery like The Secret.

My College GFs sister was a "vegetarian" because she didn't eat red meat. Actually statement from her father "Here's some money to get some Burger King, be sure to get some chicken for Colleen, she's a vegetarian."

I didn't like the episode much when it aired, I was all like character development, do not want! This and 22 Short Films About Springfield are too episodes I disliked when they aired but consider them classic now.

Should have played it cool and say it was reference to the 2008 terrorist attacks.

Pogs where probably at their peak when the show was released but by the time show aired the pog fad was really waning, so pogs themselves always seemed like a specifically dated reference. The fact that Milhouse would wast money on dated pogs that were going out of style was pure Milhouse.

I didn't get that when it until watching it years latter and becoming an atheist. I actually watched this at the time on VHS after church youth group.

If Carl still lived at home and had no interest in hookers.

I just decided to try and get into Archer and watched the first two episodes yesterday. I can tell their's some smart writing behind it but it seems like it's going to be a slow build to manic fun that Rick and Morty established almost immediately.

It bothered me more than Itchy and Scratchy's magic xylophone.

I loved Jerry being something other than a punching bag, but of course that immediately got retconed.

I honestly do have a problem about obsessing over AV Club letter grads when I watch shows I enjoy. I think about what grade I would give it, if I'm unfairly grading on a curb, and trying to predict what grade it will get. I was freaked out when Bob's Burgers didn't get a grade this week.

Yeah, I thought it was just going to be a retread of that Buffy love spell episode with some sort of tacked on B plot, but it went to a totally mutli dimensional epic really fast.

I liked the first season of Venture Brothers and got out of the mix for a while and found it hard to get back into. The amount of world building that can take place in a single episode is insane. This video really helped me be able to get into Season 5, which I loved. http://www.youtube.com/watc…

Way to make me unlike one of the handful of country songs I love.

I guess I'm the only who likes that it keeps taking itself too seriously.

I didn't really consider the Super Bowel a B plot. I think it was all just one big A plot this week.

I went to a Lutheran and then a Presbyterian church as a kid and both baptize you as a baby. The Baptists do it as teens/young adults for the most part, you have to decide if you want to do it. That's the one thing I like about Evangelical Christianity over mainline Protestantism.

Is it just me or am I missing the overabundance of beatnik parodies in contemporary media? I can only think of the elder Flanders in a one off joke.

They did later in the series, but for the most part users could tell it wasn't as pure.

If AV Club started reviewing Raw I'd totally read it every week.