
Kubb lawn game is best lawn game.

Kubb lawn game is best lawn game.

What could have caused the worldwide depressurization?

Bikers, doesn’t it suck when some dick is blocking half of the lane and all the traffic makes it hard to get around him?

They tried to use 458's but the results were.... Less than helpful.

MLB teams hate him. Learn this man's one trick to score free season tickets!

Are you then saying that you find the rest of the question perfectly reasonable?

I think that’s how Fallout 4 started

It worked for Colorado in 1990.

“if the public does in fact ignore the $1 price increase, what’s stopping them from doing the exact same thing a year from now and again a year after that?”

Depending on the size it could be A. Coli, B. Coli, C. Coli, D. Coli, E. Coli, and so on.

Who gets fucked with the “Root for the Cardinals” post?

These articles would be so much more useful with a quick rundown of what states generally have which versions of the laws. I totally get that it would take longer, but it would make the article much, much more informative/useful/worth the read.

For an even greater (albeit more expensive) experience, I recommend going the AFF route. Tandem skydives are only cool if you’re a 90 year old former president; otherwise you look like a pair of dragonflies mating.

Have... have you seen Serena the last few years, dude?

Looks like the Segway just... Bolted.

Carbon has a grain structure to an extent. Not completely unlike metals, but different. It’s an amazing material but has some drawbacks if certain principles are not followed. Making sharp bends in carbon can cause stress risers and create a propensity for failure, as where you can just weld metals together to achieve