
Never half ass two things. Whole ass one thing. - Ron Swanson 

Do you do much re-programming/coding of ecu or other onboard computers? I have a Mini that I am looking for some assistance on. Is there a way to message you on here? 

This is going to sound super counter-intuitive, but I believe the actual solution is to artificially lower the bridge. Put a plastic or vinyl piece on it to effectively look like the opening is say 8' tall. (tall enough that tall pickups can make it through, but low enough that it visibly looks very low and obvious

What exactly happens if she skips the medal ceremony? It’s not like she didn’t still win gold. I get that it looks bad for her, but if it were me, I’m taking the chance at more medals over looking good.

But what gives a court the right to initiate a restraining order for someone who isn’t a minor, or one that extends past the point when she is a legal adult? I understand that she is now, but most likely, she won’t be once he’s served his sentence. I just don’t understand how a court can take away her freedom possibly

I wondered about that as well. When she’s no longer a minor, how is this enforceable if she doesn’t want a restraining order? Presumably this was a request by her parents to the judge. What if she wants to be in contact with him after she turns 18?

In the original article linked, it said that it was a 35mph zone and frequently used by pedestrians and cyclists. So around 3x the speed limit in an area that very easily could have had pedestrians present. I think that may have factored into the sentencing

Realistically speaking, what is the time frame that you need to get this done in? How fast do you need to drain the oil and flush the cylinders after getting flooded to prevent rust/corrosion on the cylinder walls, and bearings getting ruined?

You can’t just rent a trackhoe or dozer with no questions asked. Sure they could have gotten an excavation company to come out with the proper equipment, but unless they know them personally, there will probably be questions asked and authorities notified when they figure out where they got stuck to cover their own

I have to disagree. I’ve had heated seats and all I end up with is a sweaty ass. I’ll take a heated steering wheel any day. Also, I wish more cars had ventilated seats (not even AC, just forced air). 99% of the time I wish I had less heat in my seats.

Worst. Subaru dually. Next worst. 1/4 ton dually. They can’t tow for shit. And in any snow, they’d be absolute shit because they’d just slide around on top and not bite into the snow. At least the slammed dually is probably on airbags which means it can tow if the owner (or next owner) wants to

How is the price set in this kind of situation? Why can’t the owner just artificially set the price higher than any potential owner or municipality would be willing to pay so that he can move the team anyways? He could cite the potential for higher revenue in a new city as a way to inflate the price, using the same

If you knew how much horse jizz costs, you’d know it wasn’t the good stuff

This style of movie is something Netflix has gotten very good at. Arq is a movie of similar style set entirely inside a small house. It’s a brilliant way to emphasize screenwriting and make a great movie with a low budget for sets. I expect more of this style as they seem to be doing well with it.

You can’t intentionally walk someone who swings and misses (no matter how far off they are) unless you hit them

Because we do. Anyone who criticizes the military’s size, budget, tactics, waste, cultural effects, or personal/emotional ramifications on soldiers lives is crucified. Literally every election any candidate who doesn’t outright say theyre going to make the military bigger/better/more funded might as well not run.

I was thinking the same thing. It says updated motor, but the update may have happened 30+ years ago. I have an 86 S-10 4x4 with a 2.8L rated at 125 hp. Still gets 20-21 mpg.

Yeah, but Jeter wants to bring in HIS friends. You know, people who know just how he likes his gift baskets made.

For all the hate for Jeter (totally justified in my eyes) all of these make sense (except Conine, it doesn’t mention exact title in this article). If you’re replacing the owner and president of an organization, their assistants are probably getting the boot too. That’s just business. Doesn’t matter if they’re popular,

Bread machines are fine as long as you know what you’re doing. AKA, don’t do it the lazy way. Use the machine to make dough and then bake it in the oven.