

“Being a news anchor is sort of like a being a helicopter pilot. You make one bad decision and everything comes crashing down. I would know ... about both, I swear.”

If it happened at a home game there’s unlikely to be any witnesses.

Time slows near a massive object . If they make the Chiron massive enough, they can appear to be moving faster relative to an observer watching the car accelerate through space-time. I watched Interstellar.

I’m totally OK with this. Let China figure it out (or more likely steal it) by themselves.

“Now, I know the public feels a bit miffed that they didn’t have much of a say in this city spending hundreds of millions of dollars...”

Top throwback jersey in Toronto:

Damn what a beauty!

You certainly don't have time to watch all of this...

I have an app that can diagnose syphilis. It's called Tinder.

Shouldn't this have been filed to Adequate Quarterback?

One editorial, penned by the Albuquerque Journal, says finding a buyer for a one-of-a-kind spaceport would be near impossible and there isn't any other spaceport they can easily market it against.

This is a prime example of the dangers of brakes on cars.

We need a name that will be instantly recognizable as descriptive of the topic, but isn't currently being used in any significant way.

"Enhanced electrical system that distribute electrical loads more efficiently"

What happens to the Canadian teams (the seven NHL teams, the Raptors, and the Blue Jays) if there's a war between us and Canada?

As long as it isn't CVT + ancient V6. Maybe, new V6, but I hope hope HOPE that it doesn't have a garbage CVT again.

Preparing to jam Wi-Fi!!!!