
This is what all mustang owners THINK they look like when they leave cars and coffee

What’s your opinion on whether this is even possible if traction control is enabled. On mine I’ve put it to the floor turning right from a stop sign and it takes off like a rocket in a straight line. Tires chirp but traction control keeps it planted and going straight.

From the factory they come with pirellis. And as long as it’s above 50 they’re sticky as hell

I have a ‘14 GT and I can say with a fair amount of certainty they are disabling both traction control and advance Trac (they’re two separate things for whatever reason) to do these sorts of things. Because I’ve stood on it and pulled around a corner to get into traffic and it does nothing but take off in a straight

No, I’m not. I’d say roughly 50% of my friends are Cubs fans. And if it means that much to them, they can stay home and watch it. Nobody is forcing them to go to this wedding (unless they are in it, in which case, suck it up).

Well, weddings are pretty different where I come from. Small churches and big receptions mean that 75% or more of the people don’t go to the ceremony for most of the weddings I’m invited to. And they’re not that fancy either. So while a TV with the game on would certainly not be out of the question, the fact that one

My personal opinion is that if neither of the people getting married are cubs fans, they don’t owe their guests anything. If people really want to watch it, they’ll stay home. If they want updates, they have cell phones. The wedding is their day and they have no obligation to cater to others.

This. Enamel paint for farm equipment is pretty tough stuff. And you can put hardener in it as well. Just be prepared to let it sit and cure for a while.

I believe the true American answer to this problem is to ship your $600 jeep over with you. It screams loud and clear “Does it look like I give any fucks right now?” and everybody will just get out of the way.

Are you sure that fridge shouldn’t be higher on your blackmail list?

So there is an arrest order, and the cops refuse to arrest him twice. He sneaks out the third time, so the only logical thing for the judge to do is say “Fuck it, this guy’s good. We’ll just let him go this time. Cancel that arrest order”?

I’m not usually one to disagree with serious eats, and I’ve never used Braeburn, but Jonalicious is far superior to golden delicious. Source: grew up on an orchard and have eaten a LOT of apple pie/crisp

It is that way for a reason. MSRP stands for manufacturer SUGGESTED retail price. The same law that prevents manufacturers from setting a minimum price and allows dealers to sell under MSRP allows them to sell it over as well.

Because the people who sued under the first two groups would still have sued to be able to purchase tickets in the new stadium. Offering a refund doesn’t mean they have to take it.

Probably the part where they’ll be able to buy tickets in the new stadium and sell them at a profit on re-sale sites.

Yeah, for me it was when the Ray Rice video came out. Everybody knew good and well what happened in that elevator that left a woman unconscious, but the NFL didn’t care until the video came out and a shitstorm ensued.

Over at Deadspin, Drew has his own link on the main page you can click on for only his stuff. When are you getting yours?

Much like a porta-potty, you do not want to be in one of these as it tumbles over down a hill.

Anyone have any experience with the poweradd wifi router?

Anyone have any experience with the poweradd wifi router?

I missed best bear. Who won?