
You said “hot take” but meant “horrible take.”

Imagine how well the hat would have sold if a victim was wearing it!

Good for Tammi! Tonya really worked hard to get where she is now. I have no doubt Tracy will flourish at Fox News.

It seems much worse to assume they were raiding the pharmacy or other non-essentials.

Yeah, it’s the Lions. Not a spoiler to say it’s clearly never.

Fuck off. I know it’s already been said, but I think it’s important for you to know how shitty you are.

I found a picture of it! It’s not just Fick, but he’s the one I remember.

He won the MVP that Alan Trammell deserved, dammit.

I was too young to really enjoy them that way, but went to 40 some games the year they lost 119.

Scott Hastings was a benchwarmer for the Pistons in the early 90's. He was awful but he had a segment during “Pistons Weekly” that I loved.

Maybe nobody has ever liked him enough to give him a nickname other than “asshole” or “that dickhead.”

Miggy has had a tough season and took out some frustration on Romine I think.

Yeah, but there is also Ohio State fans there. No thank you. I already have to put up with Tennessee fans all day, after putting up with Michigan fans the first 20 years of my life.

Cedar Point is the only good thing in Ohio.

My uncle told me about playing in a cemetery when he was in college, throwing disc at tombstones back in the 60s.

I have four in about 20 years of playing. Great story about my first one though. I had been playing for about 7 years and I went out with a buddy who maybe played twice before. We were on hole 15 and after I lay one right under the basket, my buddy chucks his disc and it bounced off about 30 trees and falls into the

Occasionally someone I know will retweet a Clay Travis Tweet. The get immediately unfollowed. This one ended up in my feed yesterday.

My favorite part was when he was tired of getting owned he claimed he was joking, and the left doesn’t get jokes.

Desk job. The big problem is you have to pass my office to get to the bathrooms. So everybody feels the need to stop and chat.

Won’t lie, I wish I could go days at a time without talking to my coworkers.