
That’s interesting for what it’s worth, but it doesn’t say anything about Eggers’ and Jaynes’ racial bias (or lack thereof).

Great read. I’ve always felt that era of Blazers got a raw deal by the pearl-clutchers.

Here’s something I never thought I’d say: His layups have been gorgeous these last few games. I’m not even normally a fan of layups. Is anybody? But they’ve been... Like, beautiful?

I did find him relatable during Fergie’s National Anthem performance.

I know everyone’s going to focus on the players not getting paid and him being a bad guy but equally noteworthy is trying to present the fact that he’s a terrible defensive coach as somehow proof of what a genius he is. 

That’s true. Mother Teresa actually sucked.

The thing I loved about this story, is Keisel couldn’t help but tell on himself. People (dipshits in particular) seem to forget that professional athletes play at an incredibly elite level, with the most insane shit talkers on earth. These shit talkers are all programmed to spend every minute of the game trying to get

Between Barstool getting slapped and Nick Foles becoming a Jaguar it’s been an interesting week for three-legged sports figures.

You knew your take was shitty, and that this wasn’t the place for it, and you decided to put it out there anyway. You’re an asshole.

Eexactly my point

yeah bitch, star and move on

That fucking “Epitome of a team player” tweet is nearly as rage-inducing as the video. Fuck that guy.

I really don’t want to blame it on this as it existed well before, but you know what, fuck it; Trump’s America.

Oh my god. The person who rips my book would have his balls fed to him through his nostrils. BOOKS ARE FRIENDS. RESPECT BOOKS, DAMMIT. Even my six and three year olds learned this lesson early.

your anger brings me strength in these trying times

It’s shit like this that makes me embarrassed to call myself liberal.”

I think For No One is another great Beatles example. 

It’s kind of cheating because it really isn’t a “line” but the last part of Black by Pearl Jam is just gutting:

You can’t even watch Home Improvement. A libtard judge went easy on Tim Allen when he was a cocaine dealer and gave him a lenient sentence rather than make him a prison bitch for life.