
Watching the results come in last night was certainly a mixed bag. It was sad to see the progressive challengers lose at the statewide level but so much good happened at the district level. I took the day off from work yesterday and spent 8 hours knocking on doors in Corona for Jessica Ramos; I almost cried when they

get upset at things I say

The offensive line statistically played worse than Peterman.

By this logic, I’m not sure Hue Jackson has ever watched a game of pro football.

Drafting like shit seems like something one shouldn’t brag about, but it’s not like they traded their best player for draft pics or anything. 😬

The Internet was a mistake.

Let’s check in on Matt Patricia making breakfast this morning:

The Belichick coaching tree sprouts another withered, lifeless branch.

Just keep your face out of the OL's ass, kid.

Collinsworth spent the entire first half inducting Trubisky and Nagy into the Hall of Fame so settle down.

Can’t fucking have a nice thing once in my life.

I’m sitting in a Chicago bar with my friends near ecstatic that this time it was going to be different. As soon as the Allison pass hits, I look at them and say We. Are. Fucked. I should have just went home. I don’t know why I felt like I had to watch the same FUCKING MOVIE over again. 

But Barry, you’ve neglected the number one with a star most important aspect of the job of Montreal GM, and Bergevin passes it with flying colors:  “Does he speak French?”

I’m not really a breakfast person in general 

With that sort of petulance and football ignorance, the eventual Nathan Peterman signing after Watson goes down will make perfect sense.

On the one hand, Nathan Peterman sucks at football.

The umpire failed miserably, and Serena also is at fault for reacting poorly. I genuinely don’t understand why that is so hard to comprehend.

While this was disturbing, it is refreshing to see a young evangelical lead with his head for a change.

just maybe instead of being the “evil” org deadspin loves to spin on ownerships, the steelers dont want to fill their salary cap up with a RB who already has a lot of wear and tear

It’s going to be great theatre when one of these assholes lets himself get pancaked to “stick it to Bell”, then Bell gets hurt and Kawhi’s himself the rest of the season and the Steelers don’t make the playoffs because they have Walking CTE at QB.

Fuck all these guys. Do what Bell does on the field, then talk shit.