
The Raiders ponied up a ton of money to move to Vegas, pay a man 100 million dollars who last coached when George W Bush was in the White House, and won’t budge to pay the best defensive player in the AFC who is entering his physical prime? Are we sure Al Davis is dead?? 

Until a person who has committed an offense has actually acknowledged what they’ve done, apologized, and made every effort to make amends, I refuse to accept them as a fellow human. I don’t care if it’s cutting me off in traffic or murder.

SMU’s offenses seem quaint in comparison these days . . . 

Jesus Christ.

They come in illegally from Indiana, you fucking putz. Go unfasten your lips from Sarah Huckabee’s lowest hanging teat.

“Nothing can be done,” says only country where this regularly happens.

I starred that for the best use of MAGA I’ve seen.

“Coach Meyer is known to have a physical condition that in combination with medication taken to treat that condition, causes him to impulsively say anything he can think of to Make Allegations Go Away."

This comment covers everything that is wrong with the NCAA. 

On the one hand, this punishment seems a bit light. On the other hand, at least he didn’t let a couple of players get free tattoos. 

Oh god, I think part of my consciousness just hung itself.

This is literally it. I’ve been cringing when I said my team for YEARS. I chose to stick with them through the fucking name (Its racist, stop lying to yourselves), a deadbeat owner that is so scummy that other owners don’t want to be around him, and who kowtows to the owner of the fucking cowboys. I cried when they

“If you ask me is there a false narrative out there, I will tell you ESPN being a political organization is false,” he said. “I will tell you I have been very, very clear with employees here that it is not our jobs to cover politics, purely.”

By your logic we shouldnt trust this Jimmy Bennett as anything more than extortion right? Except in both cases the claims were heavily vetted by the media you disparage and Weinstein is actually facing criminal charges because she wasnt the only one to speak up.

This doesn’t surprise me. Cycles of abuse are self-perpetuating. I’m surprised more people aren’t pointing out how distressingly similar the details of this assault are to her allegation against Weinstein: the grooming and isolating of the victim, providing alcohol before attacking etc. It’s infuriating to think

I’ve been right this whole time!

In related news, Dan Synder’s first name is actually pronounced “Fuckhead”

Why not all three?

UPDATE: The NFL has fined Ramsey for targeting defenseless players.

My little sister moved up from Chicago to Milwaukee and actually just got engaged to a Packers fan. He is just about the nicest guy in the world and is more than an overprotective brother could hope for in a brother in-law. He bought her a Rodgers jersey for Christmas last year and I now plan on making a scene at