What you propose is to have a one sided conversation, which is no conversation at all. people always talk about how dialog is important, then immediately attempt to crush it.
What you propose is to have a one sided conversation, which is no conversation at all. people always talk about how dialog is important, then immediately attempt to crush it.
I never said anyone should do whatever they wanted to do, but you must realize that a decision is being made that DOES affect him, obviously it affects trans people more, and is a more important issue for them, but that doesn’t mean just because it doesn’t affect him greatly, it doesn’t affect him at all and that he…
And why is that a problem? Why must he give a damn about what you say? Are you paying him? Does he work for you?
That’s just a way of saying anyone who’s opinion is different than yours shouldn’t speak their opinion. People from different backgrounds are going to have different opinions, people from just one background shouldn’t be the ONLY people expressing their opinions.
You don’t have to respect or forgive a person to be able acknowledge when they say something halfway intelligent.
No, SAAB died because GM put little to no effort cultivating the brand and when they finally did make something interesting it was too late.
I’m studying Vehicle Design, and I‘ve heard things about how the copycats actually buy one of the original cars and scan it to get the 3d data by reverse engineering, and that where they start off to make their subtle “design” changes.
That’s extremely poor logic. I have no other words. That’s like a mindset from the 50's.
I bet they’re all safer than a motorcycle with five people on it, which is realistically what these cars are competing with. Making the cars safer will make them more expensive, which will make more people stick with the motorcycles, which will make them less safe.
Yes. I don’t need to use every trim spec, but I do need the option to use every trim spec. This is a matter of freedom!
Nope, not ok with it one bit.
Theory: Trump supporters are unable to figure out how to apply the stickers.
“it sucks but it’s the future” pretty much my life motto now a days it seems - i think it resonates w/ older souls; hell i still listen to a.m. radio and drive a stick so I’m set up for a total melt down here soon.
Id get fired for doing everything I could to delay the terrible, yet inevitable further developments of autonomous/self driving/skynet enabled cars.
I think intent comes in to play. Drifts are purposeful, spins are accidental.
if it’s mario party that you like then there are way better versions on gamecube and wii.
I don’t care about you ocarina of time and golden eye nostalgia. the N64 is a pretty shitty console with a shitty gamepad and shitty graphics that look like cat puke.
Wow, people really still think this way... good to know. It’s the most asinine, dipshit distinction to make. Had she lived in any of like 24 other states instead of California, it would have been perfectly legal. A little weird, yeah, but that’s about it. Quite frankly the way he died, letting his buddy do 90+ in his…