
I at the very end of S5 of my Buffy the Vampire Slayer re-watch, what is this How I Met Your Mother thing you speak of?

Damn, both of those are really good. I'd be fine with any great Doors show, but Buckley at Sin-E on one of those nights when he played for hours to a not packed house? Yeah, that. I also forgot about Hendrix, who I think would have been great to see with the Experience or Band of Gypsys.

If we're going with any artist from any era, living or dead…

Saw Prince live upwards of 50 times, including after parties (and I'm a lightweight, I know people who rarely missed a show), and nearly every show was completely amazing. There were a few misses, but there was more than a few transcendent nights where words can't completely encapsulate what I witnessed. Certainly

Yes… BUT THERE'S A FUCKING REASON WHY I FUCKING SAID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHICH I'VE EXPLAINED OVER AND FUCKING OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pull your head out of your ass and stop quote picking to serve your purpose. Context is fucking everything. And don't bother to reply, please, because I'm blocking you.

I still don't like it. It's dumb. And while it may not be actual "evidence", the two actors are NOTHING ALIKE in ANY WAY. Which will now and forever annoy me to no end.

Not a point I ever refuted, I don't believe. I simply don't find reason enough for either of those men to believe that suicide was the only, or more to the point, best option. I don't believe, with all the brilliance they were supposed to possess, that they couldn't have thought of another, better way to "win". There

Completely agree with your points regarding language, dialogue, pop-culture references and girls kicking ass. But there is a very clear divide between the adolescent world of Buffy, even after the high school years, and the adult world of the Sopranos. It's not the style of the show that was copied, it's the tone, and

I don't know… not my kind of interesting I guess. Yes, it was cancelled VERY unexpectedly. The series was really quite good at the time, ratings were good, and then just, boom! Done. You can read about it a bunch of places online. I think the Angel wiki has the explanation.

That's why I'm only on season three after starting in January. But it's definitely worth a re-watch. It pays off many times over the course of the seven seasons in ways a lot of new shows never approach (for me, obviously).

It wasn't planned, and I remember how unexpected it was at the time. Never like it. Tried multiple times.

The Wire is overrated. I've watched it twice now, it's good, sometimes great, but overrated. The Sopranos can't really be touched, though. That show changed television forever. That being said, Buffy is certainly more fun to watch most of the time. Game of Thrones, also great. Rome, criminally cut short. Lost, great

Awesome! I started re-watching the series in January, having no idea this was the 20th anniversary year. I'm on ep 10 of season 3 right now. Season 3, aka as the season the show got really, REALLY good. About Angel, yeah, you should watch it and yes it is sometimes better… but that ending… that FUCKING ending. I know

If strength has no gender, then why does there need to be a Brawny Woman? If strength has no gender, why does this matter? I could go on for several thousand words in answer to those questions. But, nah. Just doesn't matter anymore. Some people get it, some people don't (Brawny, I'm looking at you), and I'm tired of

I took it as A) pride in their friend/family member, B) checking to see if there was anything about them in there. Yeah, the montage was a bit precious, but it's a half hour show and they got a lot across in that short period of time.

Well this is the last season of the show, and it's already in the can, soooo, yeah. Probably not going to have to worry about it much longer.

I don't know if quality varies wildly, but there are definitely some clunkers. You picked a winner with "Q Squared", though. That's a top shelf ST book, for sure. I've read "Dark Mirror", but I don't honestly remember it, so maybe that says something. It's so hard to recommend ST books to people because there are so

Sounds interesting enough. Since it's my favorite ST series I'm obviously going to watch it. Not surprised Avery Brooks isn't taking part, though. Having seen him interviewed about ST (or just interviewed period) I'm not sure that's such a bad thing. Love the guy as Sisko, though.

Those are some of my favorite ever ST books. Actually, there's a pretty big stack of ST books that take place in years following the end of the TNG, DS9 and Voyager TV series that are better than a good number of the TV episodes, imo. You can do anything in the books because there's no budget/sfx limitations. I've

Locations, grips, lighting, sound, camera people, editing, catering, transportation, distribution… fees for those taking part, maybe? Idk. $150k is nothing in that world, though. The entertainment business wipes their dirty shoes on $150k everyday. At least this way something will actually be produced with the money.