
"Both were conscious decisions for the greater good in their mind" That, right there! Doesn't work for me. They were both portrayed as being far too intelligent to believe that their desired goals could be reached successfully by such base means.

I don't understand why people seem to believe that I don't get what happened. I understand perfectly well what happened, I don't believe it's good storytelling, or that it makes any kind of sense if you dissect it with even the tiniest bit of objective reasoning. Both men were smarter than that. Both men could easily

No, I could not. I've dealt with suicide in my family twice. So no, I could not.

I guess they really fooled some of you. *shrug*

You examples are fine, but they don't work here. That's my point, that's my argument. This feels hollow, unnecessary and VERY unearned. They're robots, not conscious people, first of all. They make that clear repeatedly in the show. They will never be real living beings. Second, and more important, to what good did

Which is why I also mentioned their obvious extreme intellect and an ability to use it to reach the same desired goals by other means. Both men killing themselves doesn't float. Also, you don't calmly premeditate suicide in you are a healthy, stable human being (this isn't an opinion, it's fact). "I know what I'll do,

Dude, look at his career before and look at it after. He has not been forgiven, nor has he made a comeback of any kind.

I'm sorry, but where is Mel's comeback and forgiveness, exactly? I must have missed it.

Jesus fuck sticks the world has become an oversensitive mess.

I don't understand how anybody can believe that two men with that level of intelligence would ever allow themselves to be killed for those reasons, let alone commit suicide by robot. There was never any indication that either one of them were unstable. It's incredibly weak sensationalist storytelling. It makes you sit

My theory about Maeve and the train is that they left themselves an out in case the series got picked up for season two, which it did. If it hadn't been picked up, Maeve rides out of the park and we wonder forever what happened to her while she lived among humans. If it was picked up, she gets off the train and goes

First, a couple people replied to my comments on last weeks episode asking if I still doubted William was the MiB. Duh… obviously not. Clearly I was wrong.

Umm, I'm not sure you actually know what snuff porn is (it's when somebody is murdered while having sex, it has actually happened and been filmed, and the Bertolucci scenes in question have nothing to do with that), but the rest of your comment is well written and I 100% agree with it.


Only the knife makes any kind of tangible connection, and MiB could have ended up with that knife any number of ways.

She was absolutely moving through time periods. I believe she's been doing that for a majority of the season. I still don't believe William is the MiB. As I've said before, I'm aware I could be wrong, I'm open to being wrong… but I won't like it.

How would she not recognize him? Did you see the first episode? She knows the MiB. Nothing has been revealed that connects William to being the MiB. Will that happen? Maybe. But it hasn't yet.

There's obviously more than one timeline, I've said so myself. I pointed out last week or the week before that we were seeing two different labs and that Dolores' conversations with 'Bernard' were actually conversations with Arnold in the past, all of which was definitely confirmed this week. Doesn't make William the

" signs of expositional fatigue"

They touched on this a bit in the this episode. I thought it was very well done, actually.