
Why do people think this episode confirmed that William is the MiB? I'm so very confused by this. Dolores thought it was William coming through the door and she was excited, when the MiB came through the door instead she was scared and recoiled. They're not the same person. I mean, did I totally see that wrong? Don't

Yes, why wouldn't I? She thought it was William and she was excited, when the MiB came through the door instead she was scared and recoiled. They're not the same person.

They look nothing alike. I'm constantly amazed that people can look at those two men and believe they could be the same person.


…. I'm not even sure what this means.

He knows it's wrong, I'm pretty sure he said as much in the show, possibly more than once.

*internet high five* Joseph Campbell is one of my favorite ever things to read. I keep the Joseph Campbell Companion on my bedside table.

Honestly, I don't think so. Also, we're very close to reaching overkill burnout level on these movies. If they don't absolutely nail every one of them the return on investment is going to start to shrink.

As a non super hero comic book reader who has grown to love the MCU, at this point I have no interest in an Avengers movie without Captain America, Iron Man and Thor. I'm not seeing a billion plus at the box office for that movie.

Also, if more than one studio is involved, then more than one studio is paying to make the movie. These things can be worked out.

Agreed, said as much twice in this comment section. Felix knows what he's doing, knows it's wrong, still wants to see what happens.

See the comment I've already made about this twice in this comment section.

To a point I agree, but there are three things that would separate a new Hulk movie from what has been done in the recent past. First, it wouldn't be an origin story. Hulk is already an established character in the MCU, no need to go that route again. Second, he's part of The Avengers, some of the biggest movies ever

Sorry I went on so long in that last reply, but… regarding The Hulk (and a lot of the other character rights issues people have mentioned in this comment section), those things CAN be worked out. All of them. If somebody really wants to get it done (somebody in control of the money), it will get done. Also, you can be

I laughed.

They make so much money that you may be right. It's hard to stop if they keep making that much money. But with so many other ongoing series under the same banner all making huge sums of money, and others still likely to come, they aren't forced to keep making them. Particularly if salaries keep ballooning, or the

We're definitely getting many more movies set in the MCU. A Black Widow movie seems obvious. Ant-Man/Wasp for sure. There's been whispers about big plans for Hulk for a few years now. If Guardians 2 is good there will certainly be a third one, if not more. So yeah, agreed, lots of MCU movies. We may not, however, be

There are far more wealthy, highly educated men in power than those who are not (worldwide even). It's one of those things they actually get right.

They can do whatever they want, really. They've so strongly established their cinematic universe that they could easily create new villains that have never appeared in any of the comic books.

The William kills his brother-in-law theories… then he goes home and marries his sister? Also, I understand the guy is a douche nozzle, but to the point that you would murder him? I'm not sure about that. Also not sure how William could kill him in the park and get away with it in a way that didn't feel forced and