
Man… smh… I miss Craig Ferguson, too! Been watching segments from his old show on YouTube lately. The guy was the most brilliant late night interviewer ever.

I love these comment sections. The nerds shall inherit the Earth!

I said this elsewhere in the comments, I don't think Felix is a dumb. I think Felix knows exactly what he's doing, knows it's wrong and wants to see what happens anyway. Since he and Maeve started interacting with each other there have been multiple shots each episode of just his face as he reacts to her requests,

Errr… same. I thought I was replying to this already… but it seems I replied to another post in our little Rome thread, here.

Same! I really wanted Journeyman to succeed… and then I realized I was one of, like, five people actually watching it. It was around that same time when I realized there are people who absolutely loved Rome, and people who are more like, "What was it? Was it on the History Channel?" :/ My favorite movie of all-time is

But keep in mind that Arnold/Bernard are protecting her, for lack of a better term, and have been (possibly) for a very long time (she's the oldest host in the park). It seems as if she's gotten around some things that would have definitely gotten her hauled in otherwise.

I might have done that this week.

Odd, I felt like this episode pushed that possibility farther away.

I don't think it's true, but I said last week that I thought Ford could be a host. Possibly the first host who had gone through enough loops to complete his awakening. Hadn't considered that Arnold was still alive, or that he may have been the first.

Do you not see at least some of your own memories as third person in your mind's eye? I absolutely do. I don't just daydream, imagine, think about, relive, etc. my memories as if I'm watching them happen through my own eyes, I actually see myself in them. .. I don't know, maybe I'm weird.

I just realized Ptolemy Slocum, the actor who plays Sylvester, is in a Domino's pizza commercial. Saw the commercial and was like, "wait.. is that?" Actually looks a bit like his character on Westworld (has the beard) or I probably wouldn't have noticed. Because now that I've looked him up I see he was also on three

…. ah shit, you're right. Not sure why I thought it was Maeve's daughter.

It was the first use of music in the series thus far that I disliked. It may be the single most overused piece of music in history. Maybe it's so overused because people like it. Obviously, a lot of people do, your comment already has three up votes. I'm not one of those people so much. I cringe every time I hear

This goes after the post below it.

Yes, that is what I am saying. It certainly appears that we are viewing more than one timeline AND flashbacks/memories, and that they are purposely not making it overtly clear that's the case. One of the main theories about what we're seeing that I CAN get behind is that Arnold either died or was killed and Bernard

There is two logos, I caught it when I did a series re-watch this past week. But all the series re-watch confirms for me is that we are watching multiple timelines (there are a number of other things that are pretty clear if you're looking for evidence). However, I actually came away from the re-watch more firmly

I said much the same in last week's comment section. It would take so much exposition to explain it and/or unexplain what we already think/know. In fairness, now that season two is confirmed, they could unroll it slowly over time like they've done with various storylines this season. Also, I can't deny the beauty of

I'm going to go this far with my belief that William is NOT the Man in Black; if he is there's a good chance I will stop watching the show. As I said elsewhere in this comment section, the two actors do not look, walk/move, act or SOUND anything like each other. You can give me whatever suspension of disbelief logic

Awww, man. This comment made me sad a little.

Thanks, I may just ffwd to that point, but in truth I would probably have re-watched this episode anyway. I think this series actually gets better with at least one re-watch.