
Ahhhh, yes. The ol' hard drive defrag.

I'll probably get hated on for it, but old Clementine needs to eat some pasta and cheesecake. Beautiful woman, and I agree her facial features (particularly her eyes) are striking. But damn! She looked skinny on camera, which makes you look bigger than you are. Her upper arms gave me the heebie jeebies every time they

I like Felix quite a bit. I think Felix knows what he's doing is wrong but he wants to see what happens anyway. It's clear from the MULTIPLE shots of him internally debating his decisions each week that he's thinking before he acts. He smart, he knows he can shut Maeve down. Maeve knows this, too, but she trusts him.

Re-watching the series didn't in any way clear up WHEN (or who, as you've now mentioned) we were in any particular scene (for me), but it did convince me that we are definitely dealing with multiple timelines and flashbacks (or memories, as it were). As mentioned in another part of this comment section, I believe this

Banshee was so bug fucking nuts! I had to watch that show as if it existed in some sort of alternate universe not too many removed from ours. One where things were very like, but not exactly the same, as our own. There were so many massively ridiculous, what the fuck?!, plot holes in that show. Yet somehow it was

…. great, now I have to re-watch this week's episode, too.

Well there is going to be at least two seasons, and apparently the show runners would like to do five (I've seen that mentioned multiple places). I don't have ANY problems with Game of Thrones. How could you? They're based on books/outlines written by somebody else. They're simply filming the story, and they could

Agreed, agreed, agreed. Accessing/re-living their memories, and then making sense of them, seems to be a major trigger towards wherever their awakening/sentience is heading.

Because William isn't the Man in Black.

I just re-watched the entire series, it totally works. Felix and Sylvester make it happen. Also, she was found out this week. Arnold/Bernard was keeping Dolores' secrets hidden as well. Same with Ford keeping Bernard's secret. There are clearly workarounds for even the most intense monitoring that goes on in the park.

Beautiful logic that I can find no fault with, I just don't agree. I don't FEEL it, for lack of a better explanation. And I know it seems like something that the suspension of disbelief should be able to cover, but I cannot buy the actor (sorry I'm being lazy, I looked up his name last week, can't remember) playing

Could be for flashbacks, though, as it's now pretty clear that we're definitely dealing with multiple timelines.

"The confusion of time is intentional."

I don't believe William and the Man in Black are connected in any way. Until I see something that ties them together beyond doubt in the series I'm just not buying it.

Considering my love for Boardwalk Empire (I recently finished re-watching the entire series), it makes a lot of sense that I have no problem with the pacing on Westworld. I've never understood why some people don't like a book that takes a bit of time to read, either. A page turner finished in a weekend can be fun,

I'm fine with the pace of the show, particularly with the consideration that there will be at least two seasons (if not more).

After the discussion in last weeks comment section (thank you all for that) I re-watched the entire series leading up to this episode. Based on that re-watch and this episode, I agree that we are dealing with two separate timelines, minimum. We are also seeing flashbacks to other times over the course of the

Ya know, the best part of this is that you've ignored 99% of what I said in both posts. You're pretty good at this dark, jaded thing.

Ooooo! Such a dismissively cynical thing to say. So hip.

What does him saying "I am Groot" for the entire movie then saying "we are Groot" because he's grown to care for other beings have to do with any of that. What does him turning up again twenty minutes or twenty years later have to do with it? It's a super hero movie, these things happen. You can make similar