oh sure when this guy makes his own cheese he get 1.2 million views on youtube but when I make yogurt from the flora in my vagina everyone is all “gross” and “that’s disgusting” and “no you cannot sell this at trader joes”
oh sure when this guy makes his own cheese he get 1.2 million views on youtube but when I make yogurt from the flora in my vagina everyone is all “gross” and “that’s disgusting” and “no you cannot sell this at trader joes”
And when he talked repeatedly about how we shouldn’t go around declaring war on everybody just because.
The only time I agreed with any of the candidates last night was when Rand Paul talked about the decriminalization of marijuana.
i had an aneurysm when Huckabee complained that we don’t cure diseases any more.
Quarterly periods for life! *high five*
Seriously. I got on Amethia a few years ago, which means I get 4 periods a year (and they are super light and short) and it freaking changed my life. I wish I had known it was an option back when I started my period, because if I had, I would have been on this shit from the beginning. For me, the real benefit is that…
“According to Saeed Mamouzini, spokesperson for the Kurdistan Democratic Party, the woman struck back on September 5, murdering Abu Amas.”
In one sense, I agree that the situations aren’t comparable. Davis refuses to act as the state performing a function of the state, when in reality the state itself does not have a freedom to religion. She has that job, she needs to do that job, full stop, or remove herself from the position of being a representative…
Hey now, don’t sully the good name of lentils. Lentils are nutritious and fun to eat.
I love how Scalia put this in a 2002 essay (unrelated to marriage rights) about the obligations of a public servant when their job duties conflict with their beliefs: “He has, after all, taken an oath to apply the laws and has been given no power to supplant them with rules of his own. Of course if he feels strongly…
This is my favorite part, “sensitive documents were placed in the common trash where any person or animal poking through garbage could easily find and uncover such personal and confidential paperwork.”
Not really. I went to a school with no Greek life. Douchenozzle behavior by douchecanoes occurred anyway.
Well, what we’re seeing right now, we’re seeing Bible-believing Christians being persecuted for living according to their faith
Here’s what he’s thinking: “My puppeteers told me that I may have freaked out 99% of women during the debate with my ‘no exception for the life of the mother’ thing, but I can do this meaningless action to make it seem like I’m totally pro-girl-power. Maybe women will forget.” Too little, too late, bro.
When Huckabee said that the military was for “killing and breaking things” and people cheered... what the fuck?
A woman challenged him and he called her a bimbo afterward. This is what Megyn Kelly was talking about.
In saying he doesn’t remember saying all these offensive things about women, he called Megyn Kelly a “bimbo.” Solid plan, asshole. I’m sure she’s fucking heartbroken you don’t want to talk to her anymore. If Roger Ailes is smart, he should ONLY let Trump on Fox if he agrees to talk to Kelly. That is appointment…
When I was studying anatomy in college we were taught to have the utmost respect for the bodies and body parts when touching and manipulating them, because someone who was once alive allowed us the privilege of learning from their remains. When we used lab animals for teaching purposes, we were called on to have the…
Try “HIV” vaccine. You can vaccinate against a virus. You cannot vaccinate against the string of health conditions that arise from that virus (i.e. AIDS). There is no such thing as an “AIDS vaccine.”