From my recollection (I saw the movie about ten years ago), it was a few of the other women, led by the one woman sent to the laundry for being too “flirty” and attractive (Bernadette, I think?), who were responsible for the poison ivy trick.
From my recollection (I saw the movie about ten years ago), it was a few of the other women, led by the one woman sent to the laundry for being too “flirty” and attractive (Bernadette, I think?), who were responsible for the poison ivy trick.
Same. One of the most powerful movie moments I’ve seen is *spoilers* when the mentally disabled woman finally realizes that she has been taken advantage of by the priest and yells “you are NOT a man of god!” over and over in front of everyone.
“Right in between Spicer’s eyebrows”....
Ming-Na Wen might be considered too old to play the part, but my vote is still for her. She already did the voice for Mulan in the animated movie; plus, she’s kick ass IRL.
My guess is that these people think they are saving historical artifacts from the infidels. ISIS has destroyed numerous relicts and ancient sites in the region.
Terrible. Wisconsin (at least in my naive mind) used to be such a haven for progressives. I hate what Walker has done to the place.
I just watched the round of this match where the elbow dislocation supposedly happened, and I don’t see it. Can someone point this out?
“Scott Walker, the barely sentient potato...”
I like the sound of Apple Goop.
My contribution:
Just finished Warren's book "A Fighting Chance." That lady is the BOSS.
Natural selection will run its course.
Plus, the Senate desperately needs her...
So....what were Perry's responses? Did I miss something?
am I the only person who wonders what happened to his insulin pump?
In lieu of an actual sex talk, my parents made me listen to the audiobook of FotF's "Preparing for Adolescence" in their presence. The phrase "heavy petting" still makes me shudder.
I wanted to like this so much, because Karen Gillan was so great in Doctor Who (and decent in GotG), but.....I hated it. I'm sorry, KG.
AST- from one internet stranger to another- you seem like a quality human. I now have a small stranger friend crush on you. The end.
Pretty sure there was a Supernatural episode based on the Slender Man myth and people using that excuse in the ep to cover up some murders. Let's all blame Supernatural!