Jaime Margary

Hey guys,

What’s amazing is the difference between Horizon 5 and GT 7, if one of them was going to have overbearing microtransactions that ruin the game I would have expected it to be the one on Gamepass since most of its players didn’t “pay” for it and thus wouldn’t be as stung at the microtransactions since to them it was a

“wHo’s nOt aLwAyS OnLiNe tHeSe dAyS AnYwAy?”

So where are all the people handwaving the the always-online single player requirement because “who doesn’t have a stable internet connection today?”

Not only is the game unplayable but they made the game even more grindy by cutting the credits reward by 50%! basically now almost forcing people to buy their MTX in the later stage of the game...

Just shut the fuck up and play something else if you don't like it, devs can make whatever game they want. 

early 2010s Crossfit gym logo lookin ass

I don’t know what it feels like to wear a set of armor, or shot an arrow at something charging towards me, or hang glide off a mountain into a village, but I know what it feels like to be strolling through nature and be hit with a burst of wind, and hear it surge through the trees and brush. I think it’s just such a

Don’t forget likely Latino with the last name of Ortiz. Probably tells his other racist buddies that “he is one of the good ones.”

Who is very much NOT WHITE, we should note.

Yes, the far flung fantasy world of New York City, complete with such fantasy elements as homelessness, terrorism, and corrupt politicians using their political influence to make more money for their corporations while putting people’s lives at risk.