What is “The Purchase of Twitter by Elon Musk,” Trebek
What is “The Purchase of Twitter by Elon Musk,” Trebek
While no-nonsense fast travel is a good feature to have as an option, personally I prefer not to use it and games that don’t make me want it. I played through all of Red Dead Redemption 2 and fast-traveled exactly once - when I drunkenly wandered off to the other edge of the map and simply wanted to get back to what I…
But I was told “NFTs are the future, whether I like it or not.”
They have all the one-tone red white and blue excitement of most cars on the road today.
If they’d called it a proper PS5 upgrade for $10, nobody would’ve complained. Instead, they’re asking $10 for extra content in addition to the expected PS5 features... and everyone’s losing their mind.
I have plenty of issues with Sony lately (Where’s Wipeout? Bloodborne PS5 update? Why are they sleeping so hard on…
To rich kids - who I’m pretty sure all this nonsense is ultimately centered around - it might as well be $1.
Suits at Sega must’ve shown up for a review only to be shocked upon realizing the game was not, in fact, a lukewarm Sonic thing.
Fascinating! I did not know it was possible to comment from alternate timelines.
Sweet, been waiting on reviews wondering if it was any good
Honestly, based on the showcases this year, it seems my ol’ Series X may finally get dusted off and trade attention spaces with my PS5/Switch in a few months.
This isn’t your dad’s Moogle! This Moogle curses, does cocaine and has sex!
I’ll admit that my takeaway was not “goblin Blanka go goblin mode,” but “Where are this woman’s nipples?”
I am interested in VR and would rather have the one powered by a PS5 as opposed to underpowered tech sitting on my head. People keep bringing up “tethered” while minimizing what it is tethered to.
My first-playthrough Wrex-related grudge with her extends over into every playthrough I’ve had since.
One iconic thing this episode was missing from the game is how the armored tank stalks and chases you through the city, constantly shooting at you. A sense of satisfaction from surviving it suspends your disbelief, but in the show it’d be too much.
“The Last of Us Episode 2 Review”
Sure, people could just stop reading headlines altogether. Or maybe we could just not tell people how an episode ends in the damn headline.
You’d think Troy Baker slept with his wife after reading that article.
This was the most insufferable thing I’ve read all month. Like a bad twitter contrarian hot take spread thin over a whole-ass article.