Jaime Margary

You forgot “Don’t advertise at all”

Step 1: Release VR headset at an exorbitant asking price.

Sure but just vote Biden in November and you won’t have to actually worry about any of this.

I simply don’t understand how these universally reviled characters with what is practically an infinite amount of money don’t just shut the hell up and go away to do literally anything they want. Absolute freaks.

I sincerely hope that FF7 Reunion opens with a simple, no voice-over, white text on a black backgound that says.

“Chadley and Mai died and have returned to the planet”

And then the next game continues on as though they never existed.

Except Nintendo’s lawyers probably do more than read Kotaku

Unless you’re ‘surge increasing’ your workers pay during those hours fuck right off. 

No, I mean the only game that people are repeatedly asking a remaster/remake/nextgen update of.

maybe because they’re getting remakes and remasters of everything (they didn’t want), except the one they are asking for

PS5 is already showing it’s age hardware wise

that acknowledgement about stereotypes if fucking hilarious...they don’t give 2 shits about that

Just in case you're not an absolute moron, I'll try. Question everything. Sure! You should. But not demolish everything. Question the efficacy of vaccines, learn about possible side-effects and be informed. That's good. Informed by whom, though? Why do you not accept the expert opinion of doctors? What makes you take

Fun fact: Freedom of Speech only applies to the government censoring viewpoints. Private companies, like Disney, are allowed to set limits on their employees’ speech. Further, Disney didn’t fire this fetid cunt, they chose not to renew her contract between seasons.

Yeah. I’d fire you. Don’t need stupid people working for me.

That’s a lot of wasted words just to tell everyone you’re a cunt.

lol.  there it is.

Fried chicken and watermelon are very well-known racist stereotypes. Like...some of the most well-known negative stereotypes about African Americans dating back to the Civil War. You not being aware of it doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be moderated. Some imagery could be questionable, but the specific examples you’ve cited

I’m shocked - shocked! - that a questionable company on a dubiously funded spending binge justified by the CEO’s eventually failed financial gamble has once again resulted in a challenging but potentially risky project being cancelled! No one could have seen this coming.

Dumb people like you only have the ability to think in these terms. 

And they were! Briefly! For a handful of unscrupulous scammers, who lined their pockets with money suckered from gullible rubes!